
Speeches & Statements

President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met foreign journalists

I have few announcements to make for international media. In fact, we were trying before we organize this live-air for me, we tried to get through different media channels and before of talking about the other things, I have to say that Russia have launched overall cyber attack over Georgian telecommunication system, and also on every line that goes from Georgia to the outside of world trying to block international communications

I have the following statement to make

Today Russia has launched a full scale military invasion of Georgia. Russian forces, including air, land and sea forces are messed against and attacking our sovereign nation. This war is not about South Ossetia, it has never been in first place. It is about destroying a small democratic nation inspiring to live in peace, freedom and liberty. Georgia is a nation of 4.6 million, Russia is 146 million and today they are trying to destroy my country. Georgia lost its independence in 1921, today it’s in similar circumstances. Today it will not be defeated no matter what. We appeal to our friends and allies to call to Russia to cease hostilities immediately. Georgia is a peace-loving nation, but today we have been attacked from North to South, East to West. I have to mention that Russian forces have been specifically targeting civilian quarters, they have specifically attacked and blew up the whole civilian quarter in the town of Gori, far away from the place where conflict area is and where is direct friction between forces are. They’ve attacked installations in the western part of Georgia, they’ve attacked residential quarters all around the country, they’ve attacked civilian hospitals and there are casualties. Most of casualties are among civilians. They’ve attacked our airports, they’ve attacked the proximities of pipe line, they’ve attacked bridges and they’ve attacked roads. Several hours ago Russian Black Sea fleet started to move towards and started invasion of Georgian sovereign territory in Abkhazia. Three years ago Russian troops and Russian heavy equipment started to storm upper Abkhazia - Kodori Gorge. I have to say, no Georgian movement, no central government step has been ever been taking place for the last period towards that territory. I also have to indicate, that Russian troops, Russian tanks that moved in, into South Ossetia on their way expelled the whole ethnically Georgian population of South Ossetia. This morning they’ve committed the ethnic cleansing in all areas they control in South Ossetia, they have expelled ethnic Georgians living there. Right now they are trying to set up the ethnic cleansing of ethnic Georgians from upper Abkhazia - Kodori Gorge.

I think what is at stake here is a post cold war order in Europe and in world. I detest the loss of human life on all sides; deeply regret every human being killed every instance of human suffering. My offer is to have immediate cease-fire, disengagement of forces, demilitarization of every area where there is a friction between troops and Georgia will be willing to take first steps providing that there is no international vacuum and there is serious international process. But it is an absolute essential thing. This unprovoked, long time ago planned invasion and aggression must stop. I’ve been warning all our partners and friends. I’ve been warning for western leaders for many months already that we had all the intelligence material, we have all the analysis that Russia was planning all out war against Georgia, but nobody wanted to listen to me. And here we are bearing the fruits of what’s going on on the ground. And certainly this was very well planned operation, certainly there have been messing troops at our borders from month to month calling it an exercise. Certainly they were menacing us, certainly they have been bombing us in the past, but something that is taking place now is unparallel since soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, since the soviet tanks moved into Prague in 1968 and into Budapest in 1956. It’s very much like what Stalin’s Soviet Union did against sovereign Finland in 1939. As I said we are willing to commit ourselves to immediate cease-fire, disengagement to first steps in that direction, to serious international process and Georgia is willing to have to do whatever is possible to stop the hostilities, to protect the civilian population. As of today I announced, I asked the parliament to announce the “state of war”. What does the state of war mean? It’s is not a Marshall Law, it is not just an emergency situation, we don’t have any limitation of press freedoms, we don’t have any limitation of political rights, we don’t have any limitations of movement of people. We are a vibrant democracy and no democratic freedom will be endangered. What state of war means is that parliament will be in permanent session as prime body for democracy in the country, what state of war means is that every state body will work in round clock regime, there is all-out mobilization of reservists and volunteers and there is certainly needs to secure vital processes in Georgia. Parliament is already in session and we are working very closely with Georgian and international media to give maximum cover of operations. For this moment as we speak Georgian self defense forces shut down 10 Russian planes, Russian bombers. I also have to indicate that yesterday Russian planes were escorting and intervening with the root of civilian airplanes flying over Georgian air space, which we regard as an act of extremely hostile and dangerous act of international criminal act, that they have been undertaken. I think what is taking place toward civilian targets mass terror on civilian population is clear act of murder and clear tough policy of terror, it has nothing to do even with the rules of war which we were never invaded of course. Certainly this is not work of any civilized leadership, any civilized politicians, any civilized nation. I think that world should wake up to this painful reality and do something about it, and I think Georgian people are mobilized without detect of any signs of panic, I think people are calm, people are resolute, this is democracy and democracy is willing to defend even small democracies committed to defend itself, and to defend its sovereign rights.

I also have to say that Georgia is a multi-ethnic democracy and we are committed to build genuine multi -ethnic society, security rights for all ethnic groups and ethnic communities. This is the statement I wanted to make today. We are permanently monitoring the situation, I’ve just spoke to secretary C. Rice, president W. Bush is speaking to president Medvedev I will talk to president W. Bush later today, I spoke several times to different world leaders like Chancellor Merkel, foreign minister Steinmaier. We have been in touch with highest leadership in Europe, there is emergency meeting of European ministers convened in Brussels, for times to come and we are talking to all the regional leaders and we are talking to main players in world scene. Certainly I can’t communicate the message and I think they will do it themselves; people are extremely worried and preoccupied. Something that is taking place here is unparalleled, unheard of very, very unexpected for some people, unfortunately not for us, and even for us it’s beyond what we had expected. We are dealing with absolutely criminal and crazy acts of irresponsible and reckless decision makers which are on the ground producing dramatic and tragic consequences.

Thank you for your attention

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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