
Speeches & Statements

8/31/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI INAUGURATED THE BORIS PAICHADZE NATIONAL STADIUM IN FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE I would like to greet everybody from the renovated National Stadium. Today we have already got one of the best stadiums in Europe, which we have constructed, beautified all together, and shall beautify even more. Today I am here together with our football...
8/31/2006 President Saakashvili visits School # 87 President Mikheil Saakashvili and the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Alexander Lomaia, visited school # 87 on Ketevan Tsamebuli street to see the ongoing repair works there.President Saakashvili said that by the end of his first presidentia...
8/30/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI WAS PRESENT AT THE GOVERNMENT MEETING Good day!The pension system of Georgia needs to be reconsidered. It does not matter about what sum we shall speak, but it will not be adequate for people's requests anyway. In order to have real European pensions in Georgia a serious preparation and incul...
8/22/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili was present at inauguration of the Sachkhere Military Base I would like to welcome everybody.I would like to welcome our guests, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of America Senator Richard Lugar, our friend, the Deputy Defense Minister of France Mister D'Amecourt and other foreign guests!Tod...
8/15/2006 SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI AT THE MEETING OF THE GOVERNMENT Good day,The government of Georgia is in good form but for several rare exceptions and it is good. We have begun this day with the camps of reservists not casually. I was personally pleased to spend several days at a camp of reservists, from which I retur...
8/5/2006 President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, made presentation of the new project of economic development of Georgia Dear compatriots!I decided to address you today about our plans and future views. I was meeting with world leaders during last few weeks, but the most important meeting is the meeting with you-with thousands of my fellow citizens. We have advisors who are...
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