

  • 1/1/2011
    New Year's Day
  • 1/2/2011
    New Year's Day
  • 1/7/2011
    Orthodox Christmas
  • 1/19/2011
    Orthodox Epiphany
  • 3/3/2011
    Mother's Day
  • 3/8/2011
    International Women's Day
  • 4/4/2011
    Easter Sunday
  • 4/5/2011
    Bruising day of the dead
  • 4/9/2011
    Georgia's Independence Restoration Day; Commemoration Day of the Deceased
  • 5/9/2011
    Victory Day
  • 5/12/2011
    St. Andrew's Day
  • 5/26/2011
    Independence Day
  • 8/28/2011
    Virgin's Assumption
  • 10/14/2011
  • 11/23/2011
    St. George's day