

11/21/2011 The COMMERCIAL magazine - In the Years to Come, My Foundation Keeps Focusing on Economically Weak Women and their Families First Lady sounds to be a majestic status for women all over the world. However, this magic requires 24-hour involvement in different jobs. For Mrs.Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs the main challenge is to use the position of the first lady to maximally help the most vulnerable, with a focus on women and children.
1/16/2011 - Sandra Roelofs op Vakantiebeurs door Lies Kombrink AMSTERDAM- First Lady van Georgi, de Nederlandse Sandra Roelofs, was zondag op de Vakantiebeurs in Utrecht om haar tweede thuisland onder de aandacht van de vakantieganger te brengen. "Georgi verdient een beter imago", vertelt de pres...
1/16/2011 - Gastvrij Georgië wil graag meer Nederlanders Georgische presidentsvrow Sandra Roelofs Nederlandse trots op haar tweede land 'Als er vrienden naar Georgi komen vertel ik dat ze naar de kust aan de Zwarte Zee moeten gaan. In de zomer en in het najaar is ook het wijngebied in het oosten prachtig en i...
12/27/2010 'Tabula' - The Story About an Idealist Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs is undoubtedly the most famous Dutch Georgian-speaker who also sings Megrelian songs as if taught by her father from childhood. Fifteen years have passed since Sandra moved to Georgia and from the day of her arrival she has been a...
4/25/2010 'Wprost' - I couldn’t help crying… What are your associations with Maria Kaczynska's name? An extraordinary women, ideal spouse, mother and exemplary first lady. A lady who lived in harmony, was a born optimist and fought for freedom and who died in the most terrible circumstances you can...
4/18/2010 'FAKT' - The First Lady of Georgia driving a car for 13 hours! Many outstanding world leaders couldn't arrive in Krakow to attend funeral ceremony. Couldn't they really arrive to revere the memory of the Presidential couple? The wife of the President of Georgia Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs is not only beautiful, but at ...
4/13/2010 'Rzeczpospolita' - Pani Maria - niezwykla kobieta 2010-04-13 --> ...
11/26/2009 'Trouw' - De schedel van de vroegste mensachtige ooit buiten Afrika gevonden is voor het eerst te zien buiten Georgië. Henny de Lange mocht 'Leo' alvast zien in het museum van Tbilisi ...
10/30/2009 - Echtgenote Georgische president bezoekt MS Prinsendam Hoog bezoek voor het cruiseschip ms Prinsendam van Holland America Line. Tijdens een bezoek aan de...
7/25/2007 'De Bevelander' - In Georgie is iedere Nederlandse 'Sandra' ...