

3/22/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili gave an interview to the Egyptian Television Every time Georgia is mentioned in Egypt, everybody talks about your experience with the interior ministry and the police restructuring. How did you do it? We just started from the police, because the police is essential and we fired all them one day
2/29/2012 The President of Georgia answered questions of the broadcasting company “Rain” At the museum exhibition center a journalist of the broadcasting company “Rain” asked the President of Georgia a question regarding the unilateral abolishment of the visa regime with Russia.
10/11/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili: Vaclav Havel is an inspiration for Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili gave an interview to a Czech newspaper "PRAVO"
10/2/2011 The President of Georgia gave an interview to Al Jazeera A well known journalist of Al Jazeera – David Frost, invited the President of Georgia to the show in the name of the 10th anniversary of the fight against terrorism during his visit to New York...
9/15/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili: "I interacted with Tymoshenko. But Ukraine must deal with its' 
issue independently
The President of Georgia told "Segodnya" about his excellent relations with Mr. Yanukovych, the arrest of Tymoshenko and an allergy to his classmates

The President of Georgia gave an interview to Ukrainian journalists

The President of Georgia gave an exclusive interview to the journalists of "Segodnya Multimedia" and channel "Ukraine" in Tbilisi
7/26/2011 The interview of the President of Georgia during the morning show of MSNBC - "Morning Joe" The President of Georgia,which is currently in New York, has participated in MSNBC morning show - "Morning Joe" along with the former Columbian President - Alvaro Uribe.