
Speeches & Statements

Mikheil Saakashvili: “Let’s agree that we must respect the law, institutions, and the State”

Today we have proven both that we will never surrender to blackmail and pressure and that we will always be ready for compromise for the sake of our people, our nation and our European future. During the past weeks and months, the majority used abject methods in order to pressure, blackmail and threaten our MPs in order to get a constitutional majority. Tapes about the private life of some of our representatives were circulating, their relatives were suddenly investigated or even arrested, and their business suddenly had problems... And always the same offer: vote with the majority and your problems will cease. Today the National Movement has proven that these methods do not work. I am proud to be part of such a party. And I want to seize this opportunity to thank every MP and every single activist of the opposition party and tell them how proud I am of them, how much their resistance in this kind of atmosphere is admirable and vital for the survival of our democracy and our independence. If they have voted yes to your initiative: by showing that they cannot get constitutional majority through illegal means, we have shown resilience and commitment to the law and our voters. But by initiating this amendment that the majority wanted so much that they were ready to sacrifice everything for it, our democracy and our European future, we have shown a sense of responsibility and commitment to cohabitation and peace. We did not and do not think that this issue was justifying all the attacks on our democracy, all the troubles that these attacks have created with our European friends. But we also did not want to give a pretext for these attacks to continue and this turmoil to go on. We want the success of Georgian democracy. We want the success of European Georgia. We want a success in Vilnius, a European perspective for our country. And this will not be achieved if there is no cooperation between the main political forces of the nation, if the way we speak to each other is through prosecutors, calls for violence or use of violence. This is why I took the initiative, once it was clear that the blackmail would not work, to present the same amendment to the Parliament. In yet another attempt to defuse tensions, calm down spirits and erase pretexts for destructive pulsations. I want to call to the majority today: now it is your time to show that you care about our stability, about our institutions and our European future. Stop the madness. It is not by attacking and insulting the main European political party, the most influential European politicians that you will pave the way for our insertion in the European family of democratic nations, a family that almost every single Georgian citizen aspires to join. It is on the contrary by responding to their concerns and stopping the actions that have triggered their fears. It is by respecting the minority, the law, the constitution. We have shown that we were ready for compromise and acted accordingly. Now it is time to open a new area in our relations. We will never agree on many issues, but we should all agree on respecting the law, the rights, the institutions and the state. After weeks of diversion, let's come back to the basic rules of modern politics. You might convince us that some things you do are right or we might convince you that some things you do are wrong. But it should always be through legal and open means. Not through tapes or selective justice. First, as we saw today it will not work. Second, it will close the doors of Europe. And third, it will dig the grave of our democracy. So let us act in a more responsible manner, let’s be worthy of our people and our nation. Mediocrity of the political elite many times betrayed the greatness of our people. Let’s not contribute to this curse of our nation once again. Let’s forget personal anger or rivalries and work for the people.

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