
Speeches & Statements

President Saakashvili introduces Bezhaushvili as Foreign Minister

The reason I gathered you here is to officially introduce Gela Bezhuashvili on the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

Mr. Bazhuashvili has been working in this sphere for a long time. Our biographies in some sense resemble each other. He graduated from the Institute of International Relations [and international law], Kiev State University and obtained master [of law] degree [in international and comparative law] at Texas University.

Last year when Mr. Bezhaushvili was undergoing a very important program at the Harvard University we called him back and returned to Georgia.

Mr. Bezhuashvili carried on a series of very difficult and successful negotiations on various international relations level.

Today Georgia, as never before, is successful on international relations level. We enjoy a good reputation all over the world. Many countries see us as an example of good governance.

Our reforms have been studied and many countries are trying to imitate our example.

We will follow the course we have chosen.

The main task of the Georgian State is to restore its territorial integrity and unity.

This is the goal of my life, which I will definitely achieve.

The second: Euro-Atlantic integration. Within my first presidential term I am determined to solve the issue of our membership into NATO. Good diplomacy would allow us to really solve this issue.

Our aim is to fully free the Georgian territory from foreign bases. We still have to work on the agreement to be signed based on those political principles and agreements that we have achieved last May during the negotiations with President Putin and me.

We must put an end to the current chaos and disorganization, which is in this ministry.

Never again should we allow the recurrence of the situation when I was waiting for necessary documents to arrive from the Foreign Ministry for months. An order must be established at the Ministry. Now, when almost all the ministries learned how to work we must improve the Foreign Ministry's malfunctioning. I have been patient for a long time. I should never hear again that there is an attempt of favoritism in the Foreign Ministry, an attempt to create some kind of clannish system there. There should be an absolute transparent staff policy in the Foreign Ministry.

Despite friendship I would strongly defend you from an unfair criticism. But don't have an illusion - I would never defend you from a fair criticism.

The government should be transparent, responsible and accept criticism.

We are the government of people and we have to be telling these people what we are doing for each of them to live better.

Now when the whole world speaks well about Georgia, when lots of good articles are written about Georgia everywhere, when everybody is surprised with the transformation that has taken place here we could not manage to push the issue of ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia which is the most painful issue for us. We could not manage to strongly state that in Tskhinvali region and its surrounding area violent acts have constantly been taking place.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to work on these issues. I am expecting it and I am categorically demanding to fulfill them. If you fail, I promise, you will be sacked, because no minister will be untouchable any more.

We have little time and huge, almost impossible goals to achieve. This issue will be solved just then when we start working well on every level.

I wish you all the success in your efforts.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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