

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili gets additional warranties in Munich

The President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili met David Miliband - Foreign Minister of Great Britain in Munich within the frames of Security Conference. David Miliband underlined that cooperation with Georgia will necessarily continue in economic, social and political spheres.

The major issues that the two politicians discussed were the existing situation in Caucasus region and the necessity of terminating the construction of Russian military bases on the occupied territories.

"We had a very productive meeting with President Saakashvili. We spoke about the necessity of continuing assistance to Georgia in economic, social and political spheres. We discussed the major principles of our relations, the cooperation between our countries must necessarily be continued in future", stated David Miliband - Foreign Minister of Great Britain.

Later Mikheil Saakashvili met the US Vice President Joe Biden. Joe Biden noted that he has been benevolent towards Georgia since it gained independence. After the meeting Mikheil Saakashvili made comments for the media and stated:

"The new US administration will firmly and seriously support our country. This is the message that I am taking to Georgia and sending to all the world", stated the President of Georgia. Joe Biden stated that U.S. will never recognize so called independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia...

Joe Biden once again stated the same position while meeting the Russian Vice Premier Sergei Ivanov.

The President of Georgia noted that Washington is continuing its financial assistance to Georgia. As he said it is most important that it happens in period of the world economic crisis. Mikheil Saakashvili focused his attention on the fact that Joe Biden had a very constructive with the Georgian party.

The United States will continue financial support for us, which is very important in the light of the global financial crisis; we have received firm guarantees on this issue. And also it is obvious that during all types of negotiations between the United States and Russia, Georgia will be high on the agenda as a very important issue.

This is now decisive for Georgia's security, for restoring territorial integrity of Georgia and for our further development. It is necessary to avoid military chaos and complications. Such support of the US is important to get a chance of continuing investing Georgian economy", noted the President and added that US will not allow to tear Georgia into the pieces".

The President of Georgia spoke about Russia's position as well. He said that Russia is telling rest of the world - let's negotiate on some issues, but leave my bite in my mouth; my bite is former Soviet republics and let's divide spheres of influence;

Despite various trends in Europe - and Europe in general is weaker than the United States, especially in the light of the economic crisis - but although there are different opinions in Europe, in overall the position of Europe, EU, NATO is also clear - there will never be a compromise at the expense of the territorial integrity; no one will return Georgia back to the old sphere of influence and no one will ever allow restoration of the Soviet Union; and it will cost a lot to anyone who will even try to restore the Soviet Union. US will not allow anyone to stand on our way while integrating to some alliances. Of course I mean our aspirations towards NATO. All of these was confirmed during our discussion", stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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