

The President of Georgia tested electric automobile on Mexican highway

The President of Georgia tested electric car within the frames of new initiatives in Mexican city Cancun. A new electric car will substitute traditional automobile in the nearest future. Hybrid electric car is powered by an electric motor; it is ecologically clean and economic.

Mikheil Saakashvili informed the world leaders about the above-mentioned initiative in Cancun within the frames of UN conference dedicated to ecological problems. Mikheil Saakashvili drove an electric car produced by Nissan himself on the highway.

"This car gives us chance to maneuver. We plan to implement electric cars at the government level first. Later we must arrange required infrastructure on the main highways for electric cars - people will gradually substitute their traditional cars with electric cars. This is a real revolution. This will significantly reduce the price on fuel all around the world. In our case it is justified, because Georgia is a country that produces hydroelectric energy", Mikheil Saakashvili noted.

By the initiative of the President Georgian Automobile Park will soon be filled with electric cars - this will significantly reduce use of fuel and accordingly will reduce pollution in Georgia.

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