

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visits Guria region, attends school opening

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today visited Chokhatauri District, in the western region of Guria, where he opened a new school furnished with modern equipment in the village of Zemokheti. Saakashvili said that hundreds of similar wooden school buildings would be built throughout the country. He also noted that organizations taking part in the construction of these schools would receive encouragement in order to facilitate the development of the nation's lumber industry. Saakashvili promised the people of Zemokheti that their living conditions would improve and that local roads would be repaired. 
"Georgia has all necessary prerequisites for the development of the lumber industry. In the coming years we will build hundreds of such wooden school buildings. We will also develop our mountain resorts. Georgia's natural resources will be used in this process," Saakashvili said. 

The Georgian president also commented on today's meeting of the UN Security Council. He said that Georgia's position in regard to the settlement of its internal conflicts was well known to the world community and would not change. He added that Georgia supports holding constructive dialogue and the peaceful resolution of the conflicts, though at the same time, the Georgian authorities would fight to defend the right of internally displaced people to return to their homes. "Georgia supports a constructive peace process. Our country will not put up with a situation where the most important right of people to return to their homes and live in a safe environment is being violated and trampled upon in broad daylight. No-one will ever force us to stop fighting for this right to the end. Likewise, we should fight - [changes tack] No-one will ever be able to cast doubt on Georgia's territorial integrity.

Effective mechanisms must be created that will rectify the situation. That is what we urge the international community to do," President Saakashvili said.

Includes material translated by BBC Monitoring

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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