

Mikheil Saakashvili: "It is impossible not to have good football in Georgia"


The President of Georgia met the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia and the President of Georgian Football Federation today. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke with Zviad Sitchinava and Lado Vardzelashvili about the perspectives of the development of Georgian football. By the initiative of the President and by the support of state national championships would be aired and new fields with high quality covers would be constructed in the regions.


"We need to extend football market beyond the national team in order to strengthen our national team and raise the level of football as well. Here, in Georgia football league must respond to some minimal requirements. The Prime Minister is involved in this and I ask you very much the Ministry of Sports to cooperate close with the Football Federation in order to develop infrastructure everywhere, including cities and regions.


I want to remind everyone that we have constructed more than thousand fields for children and it was the first very important thing that was done for the development of football. Children play there day and night, especially in summer they play until 2 AM. Next stage is the development of schools, among them we can restore boarding-school system and create sufficient conditions everywhere.


We have good cover practically on two stadiums in Zestaponi and on the stadium named after Paichadze, in Kutaisi. I know that the construction of stadiums is planned in Zugdidi and Batumi and we will finish it up to the end of this year.

One more issue that is bothering me a lot is a live broadcasting of football league. We have to ask Public Broadcaster to ensure this and give them all necessary resources. First of all this would increase the level of referees - permanent scandals on referees became already an issue and the second, it will give motivations to our teams. Besides the financial stimulus it is important that the main focus would be made on football - it will give moral stimulus to our football players.


Mainly all games of our league must be broadcasted. The broadcasting of some important match should happen every week. This will give us a chance to popularize football and the level of it would raise in general.


This is why despite the fact that money has to be issued for many other things, we have to find money for football as well, because I believe that football matters on a national level. Money would be issued for the cover of the fields, for the rehabilitation of boarding schools and for providing live broadcasting", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.


The President of Georgia as well noted that the development of school league and utilization of coach resources is necessary, which is pretty limited until now.


"It is impossible not to have good football in Georgia. The country that has such traditions, mood and aspirations should have good football by all means, but it needs serious support from the state as well", the President added. 



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