

Free industrial zone project launched in Poti

The official ceremony of free industrial zone opening was held in Poti today. The President of Georgia entered Poti Port on board the vessel "Patriot". The Chairman of the Parliament Nino Burjanadze and the Prime Minister of Georgia Lado Gurgenidze accompanied the President on "Patriot". The Minister of Economic Development Ekaterine Sharashidze and the First Lady of Georgia Sandra Roelofs attended the ceremony as well.

The President of Georgia publicly signed the corresponding decision and noted that this is the golden start for the country.

"Today, based on the act signed by me, construction of a new port will begin on the territory adjacent to Poti port, the turnover of it will be at least 21.000.000 tones. The new port will be equipped with the most modern forms of port technologies. Tens of thousands of new jobs will be created here in the near future.

We have also gathered here to launch a big affair, we respond to the poverty of people. Multi billions of investments will be invested in the new industrial zone of Poti, tens of thousands of our compatriots will be employed, over 400 enterprises, facilities, new industrial centers will be set up. We will bring economic development to each family; we will defeat poverty and unemployment. We are starting the business that will change our economic reality and will return dignity to our families. The opening of free industrial zone is the beginning of new golden era and new economic miracle of Georgia", this was the estimation given by the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili at the ceremony dedicated to the construction of the new Poti port and creation of the free industrial zone.

Mikheil Saakashvili noted that the creation of the free industrial zone will attract multi-billion investments and will create tens of thousands of new jobs, where the citizens of Georgia will be employed.

"Tens of thousands of new jobs will be created here in the near future. Jobs will be created not for foreigners, but for the Georgian citizens. I want to stress - my firm position is that Georgian citizens must not lose their jobs in favor of the foreigners.

According to the data presented by the President of Georgia at least 200 million dollar investment will be attracted in Poti during 50 months. Tens of thousands of people will be employed and more than 400 enterprises will be created.

"My major vision is to turn Georgia into Dubai and Singapore in this region. This is the start of golden era for Georgia and for every citizen of Georgia", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Mikheil Saakashvili called the launching of free industrial zone "the project of his life" and commented that long-term results will take tens of years but defeating poverty in these regions will start much earlier, than his Presidential term finishes.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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