

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended the ceremony of handing over the houses built by the Turkish side to the 100 families whose houses were destroyed during the conflict in village Sakasheti

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended the ceremony of handing over the houses built by the Turkish side to the 100 families whose houses were destroyed during the conflict in village Sakasheti in the Gori region. As the President pointed out that was the last stage of the program, which envisaged to build houses and give plots of land to those people who suffered during the war. In the frames of this program 6 000 houses and apartments were built.

"The work of the government is measured not by pleasant talks but by fulfilling their obligations and taking care of its population. This is an expression of real democracy and it defers from authoritarian regime", stated Mikheil Saakashvili. As he said the houses built by Turkish side are of the best quality. The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili called on the Russian government to take after Turkey and noted that for several centuries as well as Russia weren't friendly countries to Georgia, but today Turkey is our friendly country.

"I hope Russia will take after Turkey if it wishes to be as modern and successful as Turkey is today. In the past many occupants tried to change our borders. As Caucasus is eternal so is Georgia and its borders. Our conceptions are measured by our success, how good our neighbors are and how much we have done for our population. The very day when Russia introduced visa regime Turkey canceled it. When they closed our market Turkey started to work on the document of free trade. We have a neighbor that destroys and the neighbor that builds" said the President.

As he noted Russia tries to eliminate the natural borders between Russia and Georgia, given by God.

Mikheil Saakashvili called on European politicians that every time they speak about good neighboring relationships with the occupant state they should remember the wall that this country built for them.

"Russia cares about Ossetians as much as for Australian aborigines, they care only about their ambitions", stated Mikheil Saakashvili and underlined the fact that Russia as many other occupants will soon leave Georgia.

The President of Georgia made a comment on the fact of kidnapping four Georgian teenagers from Tirdznisi.

"We built a school in Tirdznisi, the occupants several times tried to burn the school building. The local women extinguished fire with their own hands. A few days ago four teenagers were captured by "the great" Russian empire for crossing the non-existing border. This is a line of occupation and I never mention it as boarder. If their greatness is measured by arresting teenagers no one will ever envy this greatness", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

As he added there is no administrative border or a border between Georgia and any other country, this is an occupation line and this is a border between freedom and slavery, between humanity and inhumanity, between past and future that is on Georgia's side.

"I want to congratulate you once again and I want to congratulate myself with the fulfillment of this promise. We still have to do much more, I know how hard it is to see your destroyed house behind this wiring, but Georgia still stands firm", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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