

12/3/2010 President of Georgia Met Disabled Children President of Georgia personally met disabled children today. 40 adolescents including disabled children from Abkhazia made a tour around the Presidential Palace and Museum. President presented them memory gifts and from their side they presented Mikheil S...
12/2/2010 The resident of Georgia lit the Chanukah Candle The president of Georgia attended the reception dedicated to the traditional Jewish holiday Chanukah today. It is 7th time when Mikheil Saakashvili participates in candle lightning ceremony. By the decision of Jewish community the honor of candle lightnin...
12/2/2010 The President of Georgia met the State Minister of Portugal The President of Georgia met the State Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal Luis Amado at the President's Palace today. MikheilSaakashvili and Luis Amado discussed issues of relations between two countries and future cooperation....
12/2/2010 The world Leaders Continue supporting Georgia Georgia's support in the addresses of world leaders is still actual on the second day of OSCE Summit in Astana. The issue of protracted conflicts and necessity o restoring OSCE observation mission on Georgian territory was pointed out in the official addr...
12/2/2010 The President of Georgia met his Hungarian counterpart Mikheil Saakashvili holds meetings with world leaders in Astana. Mikheil Saakashvili held negotiation with the President of Hungary Pal Smitt. The main subject of discussion was the extension of bilateral relations. Two Presidents discussed the importance...
12/1/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili's Speech at OSCE Summit in Astana Thank you Mr. Chairman, distinguished heads of states and governments, ladies and gentlemen, allow me first of all to thank our Khazakh hosts, I have been in the city of Astana for the first time six years ago. This very city is a great evidence of what l...
12/1/2010 World Leaders support MikheilSaakashvili's peace initiative The necessity of Georgia's conflict resolution was one of the major issues in world leader's addresses at OSCE Summit. They positively evaluated MikheilSaakashvili's peace initiative and once again called on Russia to fulfill the ceasefire agreement. Ever...
12/1/2010 President of Georgia Met World Leaders within the frames of the OSCE Summit President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili holds bilateral meetings within the OSCE Summit in Astana. The First Person of the country held negotiations with the State Secretary of the USA Hilary Clinton. State Secretary once again expressed open support to ...
11/30/2010 The President of Georgia held a session regarding the development of transportation and communication sphere policy Transportation and communication spheres' policy development session was held in Anaklia by the initiative of the President of Georgia. Prime Minister Nick Gilauri, the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Vera Kobalia, Deputy Foreign Minister ...
11/30/2010 The President of Georgia opened the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport The President of Georgia visited the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport that will serve new tourism zone in Anaklia. "This airport has local importance. Poti international airport will be the largest airport in Georgia. I hope construction of it will...
11/30/2010 President of Georgia Gave Start to Mass Constructions in Anaklia I greet you all. It is a very happy and important day today, as after the very successful project of Kobuleti we start mass construction of the pearl of our Black Sea coast - Anaklia. You know that several tens of applications were entered in Kobuleti a...
11/30/2010 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held traditional briefing "These were very important days for our country and Georgian diplomacy during last couple of weeks", the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze stated in her traditional weekly briefing. She stressed her attention on the meeting bet...
11/29/2010 The President of Georgia met the Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro The President of Georgia held a meeting with Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro at Kvareli Lake resort today. The subject of discussion was reforms that were carried out in order to develop business environment and tourism in Georgia. "I op...
11/29/2010 The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Gavazi The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened a new school in village Gavazi, Kvareli region. It is a three-store building and is equipped with modern international standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology represent an innovation as a compu...
11/28/2010 President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia and President Barack Obama of the United States held an official meeting in Lisbon PresidentMikheil Saakashvili of Georgia and President Barack Obama of the UnitedStatesheld an official meeting thisevening on the sidelines of the NATO SummitinLisbon. Theleaders focused on the strong and growing partnership between their twocountries,bas...
11/26/2010 The President of Georgia visited Terjola region The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Chkhari, Imereti region together with the Minister of Education of Georgia. The school fully adheres to the modern standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology are equipped with the latest equip...
11/25/2010 President of Georgia Opened St. Nikoloz's Church in Batumi Today the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened St. Nikoloz's Church in Batumi. During the last several months reconstruction works had been taking place in the church that was built in 1865. Just in this church the Catholicos-Patriarch his Holi...
11/25/2010 The President of Georgia took Placido Domingo round renovated Batumi The President of Georgia took Spanish tenor Placido Domingo round renovated Batumi. Mikheil Saakashvili showed him the Opera House that is under reconstruction. Famous tenor checked out the acoustics of Opera new building with his own voice. Before that M...
11/25/2010 Visit of President of Georgia to Moldova is over Visit of President of Georgia to Moldova is over. Mikheil Saakashvili made remarks to journalists at the airport before he left the country; he focused on the European future of Moldova and Georgia. "Countries that perform reforms and conform their legis...
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