

7/4/2011 Joint statements of the Presidents of Georgia and Estonia The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili I would like to greet our friend, the President of Estonia. We will never forget that he was among those five country leaders, who came to Georgia on the tensest day in August 2008. The whole Georgia, Tbilisi,...
7/4/2011 The President of Georgia hosted his Estonian counterpart in Batumi The President of Estonia visited Batumi today. Toomas Hendrik Ilves went through renovated Batumi and later he went to recently opened House of Justice, where he met the President of Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili expressed his gratitude to his Estonian cou...
7/4/2011 The President of Georgia made a comment on the visit of world famous celebrities in Georgia The President of Georgia responded to the flow of tourists and the visit of world celebrities in Batumi. As Mikheil Saakashvili noted people get often interested why so much money is spent on such events. As he said larger amount after this concert will b...
6/28/2011 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held her traditional briefing Spokesman for the President of Georgia at a traditional briefing stressed her attention on the events that took place last week. Manana Manjgaladze spoke about the Agreement concluded between the United National Movement, and several political parties in ...
6/25/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili addressed Georgian sailors Greetings! Today we are celebrating Sailor's International Day. We must never forget that one of the major fundaments of Batumi and the major driving force of local economy and the major breadwinner of the families here, now as well as during the past dec...
6/25/2011 The President of Georgia congratulated Georgian sailors on the day of their profession The President of Georgia congratulated sailors on the day of their profession in Batumi. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about the importance of this field in Georgia and noted that new standards were established in Georgian maritime navigation after defeating ...
6/24/2011 The President of Georgia met the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule The President of Georgia met The Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule. Sides discussed all the aspects related to the cooperation between Georgia and EU. One of the major topics of discussion was the begging of negotia...
6/23/2011 The President of Georgia attended European People's Party Summit in Brussels The President of Georgia received a personal invitation of EPP President to attend European People's Party Summit in Brussels. Several meetings were held within the frames of the visit. Before the beginning of the Summit the tte--tte meeting was held betw...
6/21/2011 The President of Georgia met the Marshal of Polish Sejm The President of Georgia met the Marshal of Polish Sejm today. Mikheil Saakashvili hosted Grzegorz Schetyna at the President's Palace. The issues of deepening friendly relations and bilateral cooperation were discussed during the meeting. As the Chairman ...
6/21/2011 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held traditional briefing The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia expressed her deepest sorrow and condolences to the families, relatives and friends of those people, who died during the disaster. As Manana Manjgaladze noted the President is informed in details about the sit...
6/20/2011 The President of Georgia gave special instructions to the members of the Government related to the emerged situation in Georgia The President of Georgia held a contingency meeting today. The Prime Minister and the representatives of Government attended it. MikheilSaakashvili requested full information concerning the emerged situation and got interested in the details of the ongoin...
6/18/2011 President of Georgia awarded French Minister of Cooperation Henri de Raincourt with Saint George's Order of Victory Today the President of Georgia met French Minister of Cooperation in Batumi, who was awarded with Saint George's Award of Victory by Mikheil Saakashvili. Henri de Raincourt was awarded for his contribuation in two states' development and for his special support to Georgia. With his participation lots of projects were implemented, including the latest project - the recently opened Medical Centre in Gurjaani.
6/16/2011 The President of Georgia visited Racha region The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Ambrolauri region that corresponds modern standards. Medical facility that is envisaged for 25 beds will serve the local population. As the President said everyone would have a chance to get treatment in t...
6/14/2011 The President of Georgia opened the House of Justice in Rustavi in a festive atmosphere The President of Georgia opened the House of Justice in Rustavi today. Mikheil Saakashvili saw the new building and got familiar to the population that will be offered the service of House of Justice. The leader of the country addressed the population gat...
6/14/2011 Traditional briefing of the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia summed up important events that took place during the last week. Manana Manjgaladze stressed her attention on the meeting held between the President of Georgia and the Governors in village Martvili last week. ...
6/14/2011 The President of Georgia met with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan The President of Georgia met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan today. During the meeting Mikheil Saakashvili and Eldar Mamediarov discussed the wide spectrum of political, economic, cultural and cooperation issues between the two countries. Th...
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