

11/6/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili toured the rehabilitation work in progress at Kalaubani Mikheil Saakashvili toured the rehabilitation work at one of the oldest neighborhoods of Tbilisi, Kalaubani
11/3/2011 The President of Georgia commented on the agreement reached regarding the membership of Russia in WTO Mikheil Saakashvili talked about the issues related to the membership of Russia in WTO in Kvareli today.
11/3/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili: "The wine that Russia rejected has received the Grand Prize from the most prestigious exhibition in the world". The President of Georgia and the Minister of Agriculture talked about the international success of the Georgian wine from Kvareli today.
11/2/2011 The President of Georgia assessed the process of negotiations regarding the membership of Russia in the WTO The President of Georgia met with the negotiators who are conducting the dialogue on the membership of Russia into the WTO.
11/1/2011 Traditional Briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze started the traditional briefing with an important event of the past week – the visit of the President and the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Swiss Confederation – Micheline Calmy-Rey.
10/31/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili and Micheline Calmy-Rey discussed the issues related to the membership of Russia into the WTO The President of Georgia met with the President and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation – Micheline Calmy-Rey.
10/29/2011 The President of Georgia opened a hotel complex and an agro-tourist center in Shuamta
The President of Georgia opened a new agro-tourist center and a hotel complex “Chateau Mere” in the Shuamta Village in the Kakheti Region today.
10/29/2011 The President of Georgia Extended his Condolences to the Family of Latavra Pochiani
The President of Georgia expresses deep sorrow regarding the death of an incomparable dancer and choreographer – Latavra Pochiani.
10/29/2011 The President of Georgia Extended his Condolences to the Family of Latavra Pochiani
The President of Georgia expresses deep sorrow regarding the death of an incomparable dancer and choreographer – Latavra Pochiani.
10/28/2011 The President of Georgia congratulated Tkibulians on the Day of Tkibuli My dear Tkibulians!
10/28/2011 The President of Georgia Visited Tkibuli
The President of Georgia visited Tkibuli today regarding the “Day of Tkibuli” where Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the local population.
10/28/2011 The President of Georgia hosted the delegation of Ukrainian Business Circles headed by the Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - Sergei Tigipko Mikheil Saakashvili hosted the delegation of Ukrainian Business Circles headed by the Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - Sergei Tigipko at the Presidential Palace today.
10/26/2011 The ten point action plan was discussed at a Georgian government session The President of Georgia chaired a government session held in Batumi. The session was attended by members of Parliament and representatives of Georgian business by the initiative of Mikheil Saakashvili.
10/26/2011 The President of Georgia held a Government Cabinet Session in Batumi The President of Georgia held a broad government cabinet meeting, attended by members of parliament, governors and representatives of business, in Batumi today.
10/26/2011 The President of Georgia held a Government Cabinet Session in Batumi
The President of Georgia held a broad government cabinet meeting, attended by members of parliament, governors and representatives of business, in Batumi today.
10/25/2011 Traditional Briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia
Manana Manjgaladze talked about the main events of the week today
10/24/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania
The meeting of Mikheil Saakashvili and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania – Roberta Alma Anastase was held at the Presidential Palace today.
10/24/2011 The President of Georgia met with Phillipe Lefort
Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Special Representative of the European Union on crisis issues in the South Caucasus and Georgia – Philippe Lefort, at the Presidential Palace.
10/24/2011 The President of Georgia met with Phillipe Lefort
Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Special Representative of the European Union on crisis issues in the South Caucasus and Georgia – Philippe Lefort, at the Presidential Palace.
2013 (30)
2012 (42)
2011 (49)
2010 (32)
2009 (26)
2008 (27)
2007 (31)
2006 (25)
2005 (32)
2004 (4)