

The President of Georgia addressed the public gathered at the Tbilisi International Airport

I welcome everyone.

It is indeed a significant day today, as a huge investment is being made in Georgia.

The 65 million USD investment means that additional money will be injected into the creation of jobs for Georgian citizens and hence, the income will be redistributed to each family.

Some might regard this as an insignificant job, but the construction of a flight runway is a much more difficult job than that of constructing a terminal.

Our airport runway, which already is dated, is being fully replaced.

For those who arrive in Georgia, this is what gives the first impression.

One thing that we have to mention is that the number of travelers has increased immensely.

One of the achievements of the Rose Revolution was the opening of the air markets. There was only one transportation company left before that.

During the last years of the previous government’s rule, bribes were paid and all the air companies were kicked out from the market.

I cannot not mention that, while we have a very good experience of work with the company “TAV Georgia”, we all believe that the flights rates towards different directions of the world are exceedingly high - it should not be allowed that the flight ticket towards Kiev costs USD 600; it is unacceptable that the rates are so high towards Europe.

We need many more tourists.

When I became president 120 thousand tourists would visit Georgia, we will have 4 million 200 thousand this year, while next year we will have a much greater number of tourists than our total population combined. There are only a couple of countries in the world that are the size of Georgia, where the number of tourists are greater than the population.

This means that Georgian families will have more income and many more people will be employed.

Some say that we want everything for foreigners, whereas these foreigners spend money here - in our cafes, in our hotels, in our business centers, they buy our agricultural products, we are popularizing our wine…

In the end, precisely because of this Kakheti managed to overcome the results of the wine embargo - there are many tourists arriving here, they taste Georgian wine and with this they promote its popularization.

I am grateful to this company, as we are working together with “TAV Georgia” for our wine to be present in different terminals of this company across the whole world.

Now we have to attain further liberalization, we have to lower the rates and increase the number of passengers. It is also possible to double the number of passengers from this airport in the next two years.

Tickets must be affordable for the increasing number of Georgian citizens, and each family has to see that traveling is not a privilege of only the same 5-10 percent of people.

Almost all of the passengers knew each other a few years ago - the situation has already changed but it is not sufficient.

We will most likely have visa free travel with Europe next year - it is a very significant breakthrough; we will also have free trade with Europe, as well as with the US, and we will be the only country in Europe in this respect…Yet, in order for each Georgian family to benefit from this, it is necessary to decrease the ticket fares.

Of course the Tbilisi and Batumi airports are very important, but by spring we will have an airport in Poti as well, we are also working so that we have an airport in Guria, namely in Meria; besides, you all know that we have opened airports in Mestia and Ingiri.

Internal flights will operate regularly from the Natakhtari Airport - it is an internal aviation. We are also building an airport in Tusheti, we have to build one in Ambrolauri too. We are also working on construction of an Akhalkalaki Airport.

It is very rare that a small country like Georgia has so many airports of international and local importance – basically, no one country has so many of them. 

We need this as we are on a crossroads and our people have to see benefit from this.

That is why I would like to tell you the following: the Poti Airport remains in State ownership so that it competes with you, my friends.

I will be straightforward with you - you have to lower the rates by all means.

I remember our meeting in Bobokvati in 2005, when we reached a deal - you have kept your word, but my friends, our brothers, we cannot keep only you on the market and you cannot become the monopolists.

You are the best ones, this is a huge company, but people have to have affordable tickets - the Kutaisi Airport will give you serious competition if you do not lower the rates and it does not become affordable for people.

We are promoting the private sector, we are creating a relevant environment for investments, but I want students to be able to fly, especially since we already have a simplified visa regime for students, as well as for businessmen and we have to travel towards all directions.

We need to attract new air companies and we have to create conditions for them too.

I am glad that the company “Pegasus” has entered the market; “Kuwait Airlines” is already operating in Batumi.

I am very grateful to you for constructing a very nice Batumi Airport.

We want to have an exemplary cooperation - you indeed are the best company and we have studied a lot from you.

We want to create a more liberal environment precisely together with you, so that people benefit from this.

I would also like to thank each employee of the “TAV” company.

You have established yourself as a true Georgian company - directly and indirectly you are employing hundreds and thousands of citizens of our country.

We have an exemplary relationship, you are people of your word and you have fulfilled everything that you have said.

Besides this, I have to note that the Tbilisi Airport will have a new terminal. It will probably be completed in two years…

That is why, we all have to work, bring in companies, to fully hasten our work and everything will improve in this direction.

We want this airport to be one of the largest in the region.

Also, it is our wish that each Georgian family benefits from this. No one should think that it is not being done for them, but for others - our society has to benefit from all of this.

Thank you once again.

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