

The President of Georgia opened a boulevard named after Valdas Adamkus in Anaklia

The President of Georgia opened a boulevard named after Valdas Adamkus, in Anaklia today.  Mikheil Saakashvili arrived at the ceremonial event with the President of Lithuania (2004-2009). The Head of State spoke about the cordial relations between Georgia and Lithuania and especially distinguished the merit of Valdas Adamkus before Georgia, during the war in August 2008 and after. Mikheil Saakashvili noted that Valdas Adamkus made a special contribution in the cordial relationship of these two countries and focused attention on the necessity of deepening cooperation between them even more.

“More than once Valdas Adamkus showed an incredible backing during the toughest times for Georgia. He did a lot for us after the Rose Revolution, when Georgia needed support of the international community and especially in 2008, when the situation became very tense. In 2008, when Georgia was openly invaded, he came here with several European colleagues, stood as a live shield on the stage which was a target of missiles. He knew this very well. Later on, when some people wanted to forget about the Georgian issues he unilaterally blocked every such decision and did not let them close their eyes on the occurrences that developed in Georgia. Valdas Adamkus is truly a historic figure for Georgia and of course for his country Lithuania, which is already a member of the European Union and NATO. We honor him and the Lithuanian people greatly. 300 thousand Georgian flags were sold in Lithuania, which has half the population of Georgia, during August 8-13, 2008. All of Lithuania stood on its feet back then. I remember well the airplane, which they sent to us through an airspace that was closed by our conqueror, and the volunteers who arrived to support us. Hence, it is unimaginable not to thank them” – stated the President of Georgia.

In his turn, Valdas Adamkus thanked the President of Georgia and wished the country success on the road towards rehabilitation. During his speech he also touched on the changes and reforms that have been implementing successfully in Georgia.

“I am glad to be around the youth. This generation is the future of Georgia and Lithuania. I have been to Georgia many times, including in my capacity as President, and I want to tell you that every time I arrived here I felt the cordial attitude and great warmth. Each time I am astonished by the changes that are implemented here. Georgia and Lithuania have a lot in common. We have always remembered that we had to fight for the shared values together. We also remembered that we wanted to be independent and free countries, which are constantly changing towards the good and creating better conditions for their citizens. I am glad that the Georgian people made a very important decision – to stand together for the shared values – freedom, independence, reforms and a better future for following generations. Achieving a better future is only possible in a free country” – stated Valdas Adamkus.


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