

The Presidents of Georgia and Lithuania made statements

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili:

You all know, what an important ally is Lithuania for us throughout the whole Europe, everywhere, in every international organization around the world. We also know what a close relations exist between our people. I think that the visit of the new President of Lithuania to Georgia is a demonstration of this extremely important and warm relations and support. 

Personally I am grateful for President Grybauskaitė - after her elections, Lithuania, as always openly fights in every international organization, in every international forum, especially in EU and NATO, in order to defend Georgia's interests and to make sure that our country continues integration to the European Institutes and NATO. When we need something, Lithuanian people are first who come for help. This is the merit of the President and this is why I want to thank her very much.


The President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė:

Georgia is a very important country in regards of stability within the region.

We had supported and support Georgia's efforts restore its territorial integrity.

We as well support Georgia's integration to Euro-Atlantic Structures.

I am here as a leader of OSCE Chair-country. It is important for us and we want to resolve existing conflicts within the region without military intervention, in a peaceful way. It is true that no one wants conflicts.

The whole Europe believes together with us that problems existing here must be solved only by political and diplomatic means.

Together with the Commonwealth of Nations we believe that Georgia will resolve these problems in a peaceful way.

We see how your country develops, how huge the efforts of the Government of Georgia are for their people and I am very happy with all these brilliant results.

We want to see that you act in an open manner to have contact with the regions under the occupation. This specially concerns gas supply and delivery of other resources.

Lithuania was in economic blockade 20 years ago and we know well what does it mean.

Wish you success!

Believe in yourself and in the future of your country, remember that we are always standing next to you and support you!


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