

The Traditional Briefing of the Spokesperson of the President of Georgia

The Spokesperson of the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held traditional weekly briefing and stressed her attention on the ongoing issues. Last week the World Bank and International Finance Corporation published an annual report. According to their data Georgia has moved one step forwards in the sphere of the simplicity of doing business. It is very important that the results are not of one year, but of last five years were summed up and finally Georgia was nominated as the number one reformatory country around the world. "Practically these is the data that presents some sort of manual for the businessmen and business circles. The investors make their decisions on where to start business and invest money according to these indicators. Finally it has to be reflected on the investments of the capital as well. The above-mentioned indicators make a real picture of Georgia that still remains as an attractive country for businessmen and business circles. Each investment project is one more step forward in the development process of Georgia and in employment issue. The government understands that the major problem in country is unemployment and it continues working in this direction in usual rhythm. The fact that Georgia became a model for many countries not only in region or in the post Soviet space is a result of several year hard wok carried out by the President of Georgia and the government and the result of economic diplomacy ", Manana Manjgladze stated.

The Spokesperson spoke about Kobuleti free tourism zone that is going to get activated in the nearest future and will create one thousand jobs at the initial stage. This number of employed people will remain after the construction works are over and hotels and tourism infrastructure will get activated.

The deadline on the application process of Kobuleti tourism zone is postponed and the number of planned hotels had increased as well.

"30 hotels will be built in Kobuleti instead of 27, applications and projects can be submitted until December 15, instead of October 30. The interest is rather high - about 60 applications were submitted to the Ministry of Economy. Georgian and foreign businessmen are interested in this project. At this stage 8 companies and legal persons are selected that will work on the construction of 15 buildings. The authors of above-mentioned projects will be able to start their work from November", the Spokesperson stated.

Manana Manjgaladze touched the issue of spy arrest as well. She said that this issue became actual not only for Georgian buy for the foreign media as well that was dealing with this matter quite widely.

"As you all know the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia after long working process revealed Russian Federation military intelligence spy network and arrested 15 persons, two of which were liberated on the basis of procedural agreement, 13 of them remain under the arrest. Sufficient legal procedures are carried out against them. The President of Georgia expresses his gratitude to the special services and the employees of intelligence service high professionalism and active work of which made possible to reveal military intelligence spy network of the Russian Federation and their criminal activities", Manjgaladze noted. 

She spoke about the nearest plans of the President of Georgia and stressed her attention on the importance of Mikheil Saakashvili's November visits.

"The President of Georgia will attend NATO Summit in Lisbon and will participate in the planned events within the frames of the Summit. The President will visit Brussels after Lisbon Summit, where he will meet EU high officials", the Spokesperson noted.

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