

5/27/2006 Address by President Saakashvili at the charity dinner I want to welcome you all and congratulate you on Georgia's Independence Day. I want to tell you that we have established a wonderful tradition. We are holding our second charity dinner. Today over 250,000 lari was raised, which will go to the more than 7...
5/26/2006 Museum of Soviet Occupation opens in Tbilisi On May 26 President Mikheil Saakashvili attended an opening of the Museum of Soviet Occupation exhibiting documents testifying repression of Soviet regime and chronicling the fate of thousands of Georgians who became victims of the regime. At the ceremony...
5/26/2006 Address by President Saakashvili at Independence Day Parade Today we are giving a military salute to a well-disciplined and battle-ready Georgian army. We have great traditions, but two years ago, just over two years ago, we inherited a ramshackle, miserable Georgian army. Over these past few years, together with ...
5/25/2006 President Saakashvili opens 71st free canteen for the poor Today President Mikheil Saakashvili opened the 71st free canteen for the poor, which will serve over 100 people every day, in Didube-Chughureti district. The President talked and dined with the elderly people at the canteen and stresses that the governmen...
5/25/2006 President Saakashvili opens business information center Today President Mikheil Saakashvili attended an opening of a business information center created under a joint initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Tbilisi City Hall.According to President Saakashvili this center will greatly promote Geo...
5/22/2006 President Saakashvili slams People’s Bank Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited one of the branches of the People's Bank, which is responsible for distribute pensions, and expressed his concern over long lines of pensioners. President Saakashvili ordered the Minister of Labor, Health and So...
5/22/2006 President Saakashvili to attend GUAM summit Today President Mikheil Saakashvili left for Kyiv on a two-day visit to participate in a GUAM summit. At the summit an issue of turning GUAM into a formal international organization will be discussed. The Heads of the GUAM member states will adopt a new s...
5/20/2006 President Saakashvili comments on the abolishment of Ozurgeti-Batumi railway line Today at the State Chancellery President Mikheil Saakashvili held a working meeting with the Head of Administration of the President Giorgi Arveladze, Minister of Agriculture Mikheil Svimonishvili and Deputy Head of the Georgian Railway to discuss a decis...
5/17/2006 President Saakashvili opens new medical polyclinic in Sagarejo Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Sagarejo district to open a new medical polyclinic. President Saakashvili talked with the medical staff and introduced a new rector of the Tbilisi University Gia Menabde and a new director of the Republican Hosp...
5/16/2006 President Saakashvili awards young inventors Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Tbilisi Marriott where over 60 children had their inventions displayed. President Saakashvili awarded the young inventors and said that although this generation had gone through the hardest period they still had...
5/15/2006 President Saakashvili visits newly-built base in Senaki Today President Mikheil Saakashvili and the Defence Minister Irakli Okruashvili visited Senaki, Samegrelo region, to see ongoing works on the territory of a newly-built base. The Senaki base, which the Defense Minister Irakli Okruashvili solemnly opened o...
5/11/2006 President Saakashvili welcomes Estonian President I welcome our Estonian guest here. Estonia and Georgia have strong historical bonds of friendship. I am pleased that our friend, the Estonian president, celebrated his birthday [on 10 May] in Tbilisi. This reminded me of the time when many newly-wed Georg...
5/10/2006 Address by President Saakashvili at the government meeting Welcome, everyone! I would like to discuss a regulating system of winemaking and wine-production. The shelves in the supermarkets all over Europe where Georgian wines should be displayed are full of these "masterpieces" - fake wines. In the supermarkets o...
5/9/2006 President Saakashvili congratulates veterans on Victory Day Today, in the Victory Park, President Mikheil Saakashvili and other government officials laid flowers to a tomb of an unknown soldier to mark the 61 anniversary of victory over fascism.President Saakashvili addressed the II world war veterans and congratu...
5/7/2006 Joint news conference by Georgian and Croatian Presidents President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili First of all I would like to greet our guest, the President of the Republic of Croatia. We are pleased to welcome him to Georgia. You might have noticed that unlike last decade lots of interesting guests are coming...
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