


Good day!

The pension system of Georgia needs to be reconsidered.

It does not matter about what sum we shall speak, but it will not be adequate for people's requests anyway. In order to have real European pensions in Georgia a serious preparation and inculcation of another system is necessary.

Today we speak about what we have.

There are people, who receive their pensions and live under the poverty level.

There are two moments for today: the first one: the moment of assistance is important, we think that we should enlarge pensions of the poor, but there is also another moment: we should enlarge pensions according to services and record of service; I think it is more justly.

I think that we should give at least the minimum to the poor so that they would surpass the poverty level. We should enlarge pensions according to the services and record of service.

Today the government of Georgia has got the possibility to realize both moments. It is unfair, when a person, who is an honored veteran of labor, was gratified and appreciated, today is said that we are not interested in your merits and with your forty-year record of service you should be equal to the person, who has never worked.

It is not fair; it is ungrateful behavior from the party of the government. Reasoning from this, enlargement of pensions according to the record of service is a victory of justice.

On the other hand, it is realized only on the Tbilisi scale.

We shall assist to local governments, which will come after the elections of the 5th of October, in every way.

We hope that the local government will be staffed by good people and not by phraser elements.

We shall establish such conditions, that at our assistance these people would be able to enlarge pensions on the whole Georgia scale since the next year. Good preparation is necessary.

There is an administration in Tbilisi, which was staffed by us.

Till now the President of Georgia appointed the mayor of Tbilisi.

We completely controlled the Administration; they managed to find the internal resource for struggle against corruption. There are merited people in Tbilisi, Rustavi, Zugdidi, Telavi and Kutaisi.

I realize it well, that forty-eight lari will not make a person happier, but when we came to the government the pension was fourteen lari, which the people in a number of regions did not receive for months, and where they did, a bank went shares with them and took one lari, so they got thirteen lari.

After that pension has enlarged for three and a half time. I also know well, that prices also have grown, but less relatively to the pensions.

Local governments should manage to enlarge pensions in their regions, as well as Tbilisi and its consolidated government has managed. The same government should be established everywhere and we should assist and enable them.

I think that the resolution of the Tbilisi mayor on enlargement of pensions according to record of service will be approved.

This is the correct system of the just future.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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