

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the Georgian rugby players

My very dear boys, I want to thank you for everything you have done.

Not only on the behalf of our people and me personally, on the behalf of the whole Georgian nation I would like to express sincere gratitude and appreciation.

Today we have gathered here not only to simply congratulate you, but we have also celebrated this victory somehow.

Before I sign the new presidential program of rugby development I want to remark on Irakli Abuseridze's words - we have dedicated this match to the memory of the Georgian guys and their families, who fell dead during Russia-Georgian war - I want to thank you for this.

I noticed and now I have my own recipe how the team that has only one playing field in the whole country gains the victory; they had problems of entering the rugby field during the years, they have hundred times less salaries than the representatives of other sports and groups.

I was watching you yesterday and I have noticed one thing - the representatives of no other sports sing the Georgian National Anthem as you sing. This is the first recipe to the victory.

I don't want to give identical meaning to sports and politics. We mustn't have any personal hatred and disguise towards sportsmen. Sport exists for friendship.

Yesterday I was watching you and I noticed one thing - how bravely you were treating your adversaries.

I specially inquired information last night and it turned out that not a single TV channel in Russia spread information about the results of this match.

Imagine if we had been losers - you would witness their merriment.

They promised them one million USD for the victory in Mariupol and they added another million by somebody's help in order to defeat you.

That's why you shouldn't have given up this game.

You all felt the spirits at the stadium. The same spirits was felt all around Georgia. I was watching the concert on TV until four o'clock in the morning that was dedicated to your victory. It was quite cold, but the people didn't go home, they were waiting for you.

We still have a long way to go to reach the level of the best in the world. I know that you will not be able to do it all without the state support. This is why I have developed a presidential program according to which we will faster build stadiums in Batumi, Kutaisi, Poti as well as Tbilisi.

Sports will be introduced into schools as a discipline. According to the President's Order, by and by rugby will be introduced into several thousand schools in Georgia. As it seems this sport fits Georgian national aspiration most.

We are strong in individual sports, in wrestling, judo, but weaker in team sports.

You have managed to change this psychology and I hope that the others will take your example.

We have built more than 1000 soccer fields in Georgia. By the way we already have some results - our young soccer players win more and feel ambition than the representatives of the elder generations.

I hope that Ketsbaia and the new federation will show good results. We have to work out such program for rugby as well. Rugby must be declared the top-level national sports in Georgia.

Because we do not have many teams you have to leave your country and participate in various European championships. I personally know French, English fans of the Georgian rugby team. They say that no one plays in this style all over the world. We need tournaments and are ready to organize a tournament of the Black Sea region countries, invite several teams from Georgia as well as from every country of this region. I think it is necessary that our teams could train in Georgia and to develop a base. We will also crate a league on school level before the end of this year. Together with fields and equipment that we are preparing for rugby, we will have a right to require more good results from you.

We are not as rich country as Russia, but you know that we have promised the federation bonuses. I spoke with Tbilisi mayor Gigi Ugulava and by his decision portion of land will be issued for you in a good part of Tbilisi in order to build a house. More amount of money will be added to the bonuses that we have promised you.

The joy we felt yesterday cannot compare to any amounts of money.

I want to point out that Georgians spontaneously called yesterday's match - a match of dignity. We want to award every participants of this match Orders of Honor.

First of all I want to give these Orders to your Capitan and those guys that scored "Lelos".

I want to award the leadership of rugby federation with Orders of Honor as well.

Georgia's wish is to do much more for you.

We will have many stadiums, we will have many teams, you will have better material conditions after all of these results and despite the fact that you are in the most difficult group, we still are looking forward to good results. I keep it deep in my heart that non-realized "Lelo" in Irland. Now we have to create miracles and we have to do it in the new championship in New Zealand.

Many thanks to you!

Now I will sign a new presidential program of rugby development that has been prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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