

President Saakashvili opens building of a new school

President Mikheil Saakashvili opened the building of the new school in village Tirdznisi, Gori district, which had been burnt several years ago.

Welcome, everybody! I am happy to open the building of the Tirdznisi school with you today. We are building a school here, like which neither me nor you would have ever seen in Georgia. The school, we will build here, will be like the ones in France, Germany and America. It will have the best classrooms, gymnasiums, new heating system, new desks and new books. After so many years of destruction our children should study in better conditions.

We inherited dilapidated education system and ruined Georgia. Nothing will be done in a day.

To spite our ill-wishers, who don't want Georgia to restore its territorial integrity, who don't want us to export our produce, who want to choke and kneel us, Georgia's development will not stop even for a minute.

I traveled through Kaspi district where, on both sides, roads are being built. I saw the workers bustling there.

This year 54 new, European standard schools will be built in Georgia.

The same number of schools will be repaired this year.

This year the schoolchildren will study in better conditions.

In the surrounding villages we are building hospitals where everyone can get medical treatment.

We should improve the living conditions in the country so that nobody could believe that such thing might have happened in Georgia.

Despite great problems, we are able to do this.

This school will have nice playgrounds, special heating system, air-conditioning, sanitation, like the oligarchs under the previous government had in their families, with special uniforms, books, computers and sport gymnasiums.

Everything we want is labor and education.

We have visited China recently. This country is developing through education and labor. We know working, and now the most important is to get education.

We are not inferior to anyone and we will show everybody our capacities.

It will take a year to finish building this school, but we will repair it at a high level.

Everyone should know this, especially those who get irritated when they see the building of schools, roads and hospitals.

The hospitals, roads and schools will be opened in Ossetia in the Ossetian and Georgian villages.

Peace should be established on this area once and for all.

This school will have such good wrestling room, football and basketball grounds that more and more new sportsmen will be brought up there.

Your district is famous for its champions.

600 children will study in these conditions. This school will have the bus which will serve their schoolchildren.

We, with the education minister made a decision to make 120, 000 new desks which will have Italian design but will be made by the Georgians.

Today, together with you, I would like to cast concrete in the foundation of this school.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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