

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held a meeting with Georgian diplomats accredited in foreign countries

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held a meeting with Georgian diplomats accredited in foreign countries. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about our country's foreign political course, the foreign priorities, attraction of investments and the Russian aggression. As the President pointed out Russia is leading a financial and ideological war against Georgia and in this situation the diplomats' effective work is very important.

"Our enemy has serious advantages over us. In spite of the crisis Russia has as much money as it is needed to make serious financial influence, among them on the political circles and printed media in Europe. There is a ideological war against us - in international organizations and political institutions. There are certain forces in every country, among them perhaps in big European countries, who are irritated by the fact that Georgia firmly stands on its feet and seriously resisted an imperialistic threat. We have to understand that it is so and it has been so traditionally. The first republic fell because practically West sold it. The situation today is different. Kindness will defeat evil, but in order to make it happen you have to work daily. This is hard work, your resources I mean material resources are far lower than our enemies, but your motivation is much higher. Your main strength is that the truth is on your and your homeland's side. We all agree upon it", the President of Georgia stated.

The President called on the Ambassadors to work on the attraction of investments in Georgia and to support the idea of bringing foreign tourists to Georgia. As Mikheil Saakashvili said, despite the world economic crisis and August war, Georgian economy continues develop.

At the meeting with the Ambassadors the President tasked the government to hold a regional session in Racha on September 10. He pointed out that the government must make decisions on place. He said that the earthquake had damaged the Georgian economy a lot, because hundreds of houses were destroyed and many houses were damaged in Imereti.

According to the President's statement the residents of Georgia have to express their solidarity towards the population who suffered in the earthquake.

He said that only an assistance is not enough. Racha population must know that Georgian government always remember them and thinks about turning this very poor part of Georgia into a wealthy region.

"Fortunately our people survived and there are no victims. But such earthquakes happen once in several years. Of course the earthquake damaged our economy seriously. This morning we sent a Vice Premier and Chief of Road Department on scene. We constructed very good roads in Racha during last several years, we are developing health resorts, we supplied this region with the natural gas and we started the development of Shaori. It is true that the war and crisis delayed this process, but we are coming back to this issue. I wish the population of Racha to know that we always remember them and think how to turn this region into one of the richest places in Georgia. Racha has this potential", stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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