

11/22/2011 The President of Georgia opened the Kutaisi State Historical Museum The President of Georgia opened the Kutaisi State Historical Museum today, which is located in the renovated former building of the National Bank.
11/21/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili: “We are building tunnels, which unify Georgia” The President of Georgia opened the renovated Rikoti tunnel today.
11/20/2011 The President of Georgia inspected the rehabilitation works in progress at the Agmashenebeli Avenue The President of Georgia and the Vice Mayor of Tbilisi – Davit Ninidze inspected the rehabilitation work in progress on Agmashenebeli Avenue today.
11/20/2011 The President of Georgia hosted French professors and first students of the Wine School in Kvareli Mikheil Saakashvili hosted French professors and the students who were selected as a result of a competition, in his Kvareli house.
11/19/2011 The President of Georgia attended the opening of the International Wine Institute The President of Georgia attended the opening of the International Wine Institute in Tsinandali today. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the participants of the event and called the founding of this school a political event.
11/18/2011 The President of Georgia met with members of the Minesian family The President of Georgia met with members of the family of Neshan Minesian today
11/18/2011 The President of Georgia hosted the new neighbors  The President of Georgia hosted neighbors in his Kvareli house. Mikheil Saakashvili celebrated the first “Zavodoba” in his new house with guests and sampled the newly-made vodka
11/16/2011 The President of Georgia opened Ilia Lake in Kvareli The President of Georgia participated in the ceremonial opening of Ilia Lake in Kvareli today and addressed the audience.
11/15/2011 The President of Georgia met with the representatives of Egyptian media The representatives of Egyptian media, who are visiting Georgia, met with the President of Georgia today.
11/15/2011 The President of Georgia attended an opening ceremony of the head office of the Bank of Georgia The President of Georgia participated in the opening ceremony of the head office of the Bank of Georgia today.
11/12/2011 The President of Georgia gave a speech at the reception held by the Conservatives The President of Georgia attended a reception held by the Alliance of the European Conservatives and Reformers, at which Mikheil Saakashvili was invited with the status of “extraordinary guest”.
11/11/2011 The President of Georgia talked about the democratic values on the International Democratic Union Conference Mikheil Saakashvili attended the International Democratic Union conference.
11/10/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili took Anders Fogh Rasmussen on a tour of the Batumi Public Service Hall The President of Georgia hosted the NATO Secretary General at the Batumi Public Service Hall and familiarized him with all of the services offered in one building.
11/10/2011 The President of Georgia had a phone conversation with the Vice President of the United States Mikheil Saakashvili and Joseph Biden talked about the mutual strategic cooperation of Georgia and the United States.
11/9/2011 Manana Manjgaladze’s clarification regarding the interview published by the bureau of EurActiv in Poland Manana Manjgaladze clarified the answer of Mikheil Saakashvili regarding the possibility of becoming Prime Minister, during the interview that was published by the bureau of EurActiv in Poland.
11/7/2011 The President of Georgia awarded the successful students of Kakheti with computers The President of Georgia met with the successful students of four towns of Kakheti at the Ilia Chavchavadze House Museum in Kvareli today.
2013 (11)
2012 (12)
2011 (12)
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