

1/25/2012 Statement by the Administration of the President of Georgia The Administration of the President of Georgia responded to yesterday’s statement by the President of Russia, related to restoring diplomatic relations with Georgia.
1/25/2012 The President of Georgia has left for his official visit to The United States The Presidents of Georgia and the United States will hold an official meeting at the Oval Office of the White House on January 30th.
1/22/2012 The President of Georgia visited newborns at the Lagodekhi clinic The President of Georgia visited the “Archimedes” clinic in Lagodekhi, where 10 babies were born in the last 24 hours.
1/21/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili inspected the ongoing construction works in Rustavi Mikheil Saakashvili inspected the rehabilitation works at the swimming pool of Rustavi, where the front façade and the pool are currently being restored.
1/20/2012 The President of Georgia hosted a delegation of the Parliament of Estonia The President of Georgia hosted a delegation of Riigikogu (the Parliament of Estonia) headed by its Chairman – Ene Ergma.
1/20/2012 The President of Georgia made a comment regarding the construction of a new dam Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment today regarding the agreement reached with the Turkish side and spoke about the importance of the joint dam project of Georgia and Turkey in the territory of Georgia.
1/20/2012 The President of Georgia made a comment regarding the statements of Vladimir Putin According to Mikheil Saakashvili, Vladimir Putin once again proved by his statements made about the ethnic origins of Boris Akunin, the writer, that his dislike is for the whole nation of Georgia
1/20/2012 The President of Georgia toured the newly-opened courts The President of Georgia toured the newly-opened tennis courts with the Mayor of Tbilisi – Gigi Ugulava and the famous Georgian tennis player – Leila Meskhi.
1/18/2012 The President of Georgia decorated the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania in Georgia with the Medal of Honor The President of Georgia held a farewell meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania in Georgia today.
1/18/2012 The President of Georgia hosted representatives of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey The President of Georgia hosted representatives of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey today. During the meeting, the sides drew attention to the issues of bilateral relations, regional development, and regional security.
1/18/2012 Presidential Administration Statement President Saakashvili will travel to the United States for an Oval Office meeting with President Obama on Monday, January 30, during an official White House visit.
1/17/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili toured the new medical center of Martvili The President of Georgia visited the Martvili Medical Center today, which was built within the scope of the hospital sector development program by the insurance company “Aldagi BCI” and the company “Block Georgia”.
1/16/2012 The President of Georgia visited Svaneti The President of Georgia visited Svaneti today. Mikheil Saakashvili toured the ongoing construction works and reviewed the process of implementing infrastructural projects.
1/14/2012 The President of Georgia decorated members of government and the Captain of the rescued sailors The President of Georgia met with the rescued sailors and their families at the building of the Constitutional Court of Georgia in Batumi today.
1/13/2012 The President of Georgia returned home with the rescued sailors The President of Georgia arrived in Batumi from Istanbul with the Georgian sailors rescued from captivity of Somalian pirates.
1/13/2012 The President of Georgia met the rescued sailors in Turkey The President of Georgia met the Georgian sailors, led by an official Georgian delegation, who arrived in Turkey from Kenya after being rescued from the captivity of Somalian pirates
1/12/2012 The President of Georgia congratulated refugees on settlement in the new living quarters in Batumi The President of Georgia visited the new settlement for refugees in Batumi. The Head of State congratulated them on the new settlement as well as the New Year and Christmas holidays and toured their new living spaces that comply with modern standards.
1/11/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili opened a new clinic in Gori The President of Georgia opened a new clinic within the scope of the hospital sector development program in Gori today.
2013 (11)
2012 (12)
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