

Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment regarding the unilateral abolishment of a visa regime with Russia and the elections held in Russia yesterday

The President of Georgia, who addressed the population of Akhmeta, once again drew attention to the unilateral abolishment of visas with Russia and elections held there yesterday. According to Mikheil Saakashvili Russia has no future with the current government, because they are building in the past.

“No matter what happens in that country, considering their course, their politics, no matter what kinds of elections they hold or stage, with the current leadership they have no future, as they are building in the past. They are doing this not only by restoring the Soviet anthem, restoring the soviet empire or employing the Soviet Union or Eurasian Union slogans, but they are mentally reversing their country back in time. “– noted Mikheil Saakashvili

The Head of State also recalled the words of the Russian government, as if they have no problem with the Georgian people and only have a problem with the government of Georgia. According to him, by unilaterally abolishing visas the government of Georgia gave Russia a chance to abolish visas for the Georgian people in return.

“In response to this, just as we gave them a chance to do something for the Georgian people, they immediately changed their first position. Moreover, as the successors of the Soviet Union, they have decided that they do not want their people to come to Georgia. In response to my proposal, they decided two days ago that it is dangerous for Russians to visit Georgia.

Of course, this cannot be explained by the existence of criminality in Georgia. The crime rate in Georgia is five times less than that of Russia and everyone know about this. The Russians have substantiated their decision by the fact that there is no Russian Embassy in Georgia.

I would not only open an embassy in their place, but also send Onishenko for supervision – they can be infected by the “virus” non-corrupt, free country, can’t  they? And then attempt to do the same in their own country. This is the difference between us and them.” – stated the President of Georgia.

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