

The President of Georgia attended the Munich Security Conference

The President of Georgia is participating in the Munich Security Conference. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the participants of the forum and spoke about the reforms that have been implemented in Georgia since the Rose Revolution. The Head of State also drew attention to the security of the region. The Munich Security Conference panel was discussing democratic reforms in the Arab countries, which have embarked on the road to democratic transformation and Georgia was being reviewed as a positive example by the MSC panel.

“We can barely grasp the meaning of what has happened, nor can we know where these diverse events will lead. There is no freedom textbook to teach people in Tunisia, Libya, or elsewhere. Georgia’s post-revolutionary experience of radical social, political and mental transformation does not provide a transferable model for everyone, but it could help us understand the diverse challenges that the societies under transformation are currently facing” – noted the President and added that based on the Georgian experience, any country could ease the path it still has to travel.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke in details about the conclusions made regarding the changes and reforms in Georgia since the Rose Revolution. According to him, the most important time period is when a hard and long-term reform process begins. However, Mikheil Saakashvili thinks that only in terms of applying a comprehensive all-government and all-society approach the results are real and sustainable. Additionally, the reforms in every sector must be comprehensive and part of social transformation. He also noted that people become stronger and less patient after a revolution.

“It is impossible to know in advance what the progress will be like. When you attack interest groups, they bite back—it can be painful. We had our share of demonstrations and opposition; I had to resign in 2007 because I thought I put the reform agenda against the referendum in the new Presidential elections. We could have rested. Georgia has progressed tremendously. The World Bank ratings, Transparency International ratings, all kinds of ratings in terms of population perceptions and we could have said: Okay, everything is over. Reforms should never stop. Governance is a process of constant learning, questioning, adaptation, and change. This is what every authoritarian regime always fails to understand. Now is when it comes to a point where I want to mention the fact that revolutions are fought and won by the citizens of the countries in which they occur. But the response of the international community matters – both in order to support democratic movements and to deter those who want to suppress them.” – was the message of the President of Georgia to the leaders of the countries that want to transform their countries positively.

The Head of State will hold meetings with various leaders during the conference.

The Munich Security Conference is the highest level forum held annually. This year 70 high level guests from around the world are attending the conference including the UN Secretary General and leaders of various countries and international organizations.

Mikheil Saakashvilia arrived at the conference after an official visit to the United States.


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