

The President of Georgia held meetings at the both chambers of the United States Congress

The President of Georgia held meetings at the both chambers of the United States Congress with the Republican and Democratic leadership. Mikheil Saakashvili met with Richard Durbin, Jon Kyl as well as the Speaker of the House – John Boehner. The Speaker made statements to the press with the President of Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke with Congressmen Steny Hoyer, David Dreier, Ted Deutch, and Christopher Murphy. The Georgian-American relations, regional security, and participation in the international peacekeeping missions were the main topics of discussion during the meetings on the Hill.

“We are very grateful for your personal engagement with us on a number of issues. Strong statements of support coming from Congress make lots of difference in our part of the world. They do change things, they do move things. I am extremely grateful for your support of the resolution that has recently been brought to the House. It talks about illegal occupation of Georgia’s regions, about the support of our territorial integrity, and the freedom of Georgia. I can tell you Mr. Speaker: we are all for the same values and that’s why we are in Afghanistan, that’s why we want to be strong allies of the United States, that’s why we get strong support from the United States. I am leaving Washington with full hands. We got a commitment on starting negotiations on a free trade agreement; we talked about Georgia’s self defense. Everywhere we meet, including here in Congress, we hear very supportive things and also discussion about Georgia as a model for the whole region and we are grateful for everything you are doing for our country” – told him Mikheil Saakashvili.

John Boehner stressed that Georgia is a strategic partner and an ally of the United States. According to him, the relationship of the two countries throughout the years is based on common values. He thanked the President of Georgia for the participation of Georgian troops in the peacekeeping operation in Afghanistan.

The President of Georgia invited the Speaker of the House of Representatives to Georgia.

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