

Government to secure conditions for free and fair presidential elections on January 5, 2008

The right of citizens to choose their leaders through elections is a cornerstone of Georgia's democracy. For this reason, the Government of Georgia and the Central Election Commission have been working diligently to secure conditions for free and fair presidential elections on January 5, 2008. The Government has invited over 700 international observers to monitor the elections; voter lists have been published so that citizens can verify their registration in advance; and negotiations between the current authorities and the opposition have resulted in several compromises to ensure a balanced playing field for all candidates.

Given the inherent importance of voting-and considering the enormous efforts being made to guarantee that January 5 will reflect the democratic desire of Georgia's citizens-the Government is discouraged by some candidates' recent statements questioning the legitimacy of the elections long before balloting has even taken place. The observation mission from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) also "calls upon electoral contestants to stop already questioning the credibility of these elections, and its outcome, before they take place, but instead work to resolve any shortcomings found."

To see the statements questioning the legitimacy of the elections, please, click on this link:



Statements of presidential candidates and representatives questioning the legitimacy of January 5 elections:


Elections 2008 >>>

Summary of Latest Developments in the Alleged Conspiracy of Arkadi Patarkatsishvili to Overthrow Government of Georgia >>>

Statements of presidential candidates and representatives questioning the legitimacy of January 5 elections >>>

Statement of the Georgian Government >>>

Non-paper No1 on Civil Unrest in Georgia >>>

President Saakashvili addresses nation during state of emergency,
proposes snap presidential election for 5 January 2008 >>>

Chronology of events in Tbilisi on 7 November 2007 >>>

Radical Calls by Opposition >>>

Violent demonstration >>>

Statement by Badri Patarkatsishvili >>>

Phone Conversations >>>


Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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