

4/7/2005 President Saakashvili comments on ongoing issues in Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili commented on the detention of the President of Georgian Football Federation, Merab Zhordania, and said that the Prosecutor's Office and the court were to decide on the issue. "I want to establish a system in which everyone wi...
4/7/2005 President Saakashvili visits Vatican Embassy President Mikheil Saakashvili visited the Vatican Embassy today, and inscribed words of sympathy in a book of condolences. President Saakashvili said that Pope John Paul II was a greatest figure who played an essential role in the break up of the Soviet U...
4/6/2005 President Saakashvili attends road building in Samegrelo President Mikheil Saakashili attended Tsalenjikha-Senaki-Chkhorotsku 90 kilometer long road building today. "The government's top priority of the year is to rehabilitate energy sector and build roads," the President said adding that the government was to ...
4/6/2005 President Saakashvili meets with Belgium Representative Council Chairman Herman De Croo President Mikheil Saakashvili met with Belgium Representative Council Chairman, Herman De Croo, and discussed bilateral cooperation and illegal migrants issues with him. Mr. Croo commented on Georgians detention facts and emphasized that the Georgian mafi...
4/5/2005 President Saakashvili visits Krtsanisi training center President Mikheil Saakashvili and Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili met cadets at Krtsanisi training center who undergo training within the framework of preliminary training program. The President examined bedrooms, barracks, kitchen, and a training pol...
4/5/2005 President Saakashvili observes diesel distribution in Marneuli President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Marneuli district today and observed distribution of diesel fuel to Kizilajo village residents. The government's present has been distributed to 2110 families in this village and to the residents of Nakhidauri and Kve...
3/31/2005 Joint Address by Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia Viktor Yushchenko and Mikheil Saakashvili to the Kyrgyz nation We address you - a proud and freedom-loving Kyrgyz nation on behalf of all Ukrainian and Georgian people with the words of whole-hearted support and solidarity. Millions of our fellow citizens follow daily the developments in Kyrgyzstan with dismay and co...
3/25/2005 Declaration on development of strategic cooperation between Georgia and Ukraine President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, on meeting in Kiev March 24, 2005: Confirm the centuries-old benign relationship between the people of Georgia and Ukraine; Express full respect to all fighters for indep...
3/24/2005 President Bush to Travel to Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia, and Georgia President Bush will travel to Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia, and Georgia from May 6-10 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. His visit will honor the shared sacrifice of millions of Americans and Europeans to defeat tyranny, an...
3/2/2005 Chisinau Declaration of the Presidents of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova: Against the ''Black Holes'' in Europe Georgia and Republic of Moldova reaffirm the need for full respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all States and the inviolability of international borders, requiring continued international efforts in accordance with the United Nations C...
3/2/2005 Chisinau Declaration of the Presidents of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova on the Supremacy of Democratic Values and Principles The people of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova affirm their strong support for the principles and values of democracy, recognizing representative democracy to be the most sound model of fair and effective governance. We hereby affirm democracy to be th...
1/5/2005 Carpathian Declaration of the Leaders of Georgia and Ukraine The Orange Revolution opened a new era in the history of Europe. The people of Ukraine and Georgia have demonstrated to the world that freedom and democracy, the will of the people and free and fair elections are more powerful than any state machine, notw...
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