

U.S. Department of State Press Statement on Mortar Incident in South Ossetia

We condemn the September 20 mortar attack in Tskhinvali, South Ossetia that wounded ten people, including women and children. We urge the Georgian Government to take immediate steps to demonstrate its commitment to a peaceful settlement of the South Ossetia conflict, including by immediately bringing to justice those responsible for this unjustifiable act of violence against innocent civilians. Ambassador Tefft met with President Saakashvili on September 21 to convey our views.

The United States supports Georgia's territorial integrity and urges all parties to work toward a negotiated settlement of the South Ossetian conflict resolving the region's status within Georgia. We call on all concerned to show restraint and to fulfill existing agreements to reduce tensions and pave the way for a settlement. We urge the Russian Federation, in respect of Georgia's territorial integrity, to refrain from support of the unrecognized South Ossetian leadership. We also urge the Russian Federation to help avoid further provocations on both sides of the South Ossetia conflict as we work together in pursuit of a negotiated settlement. We further call on Georgian authorities to act quickly to fulfill their commitments and take required actions under existing international agreements. (2005/881)

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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