

The President of Georgia attended the funerals of Otto Habsburg-Lothringen

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili together with his wife Sandra Elizabeth Roelofs attended the funerals of the last Crow-Prince of Austria-Hungary Otto Habsburg-Lothringen.

The ancestor of Monarch had much in common with Georgia. He was fighting together with Georgian officers in 30ies during civil war of Spain. Otto Habsburg-Lothringen visited Georgia in 2008 by the personal invitation of the President of Georgia. September 1 of 2008 he participated in the solidarity manifestation in Munich - he stood together with his daughter in the live-chain. Otto Habsburg signed the document supporting Georgia adopted by EU in 2010. His daughter Gabriela Habsburg-Lothringen became the citizen of Georgia and now she is the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Georgia in German Federal Republic. The funerals of Otto Habsburg-Lothringen were held in Vienna St Stephen's Chathedral.       

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