

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili’s comment on the details of a signed agreement

After a joint news conference with his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili commented for the press. He once again spoke on the details of a signed agreement, according to which the Russian occupants must leave the territory of Georgia at a specific date.

"All forces must leave the territory of Georgia. At this stage Russia has signed an agreement, on the basis of which the Russian forces must leave Poti, Senaki, Zugdidi and from the villages near Tskhinvali, also people must be given ability to return back to their houses. EU monitors must arrive in Georgia, they will start changing Russian forces step-by-step. European Union observers will cover the entire territory of Georgia and under their observation our IDPs must return to their territory. The President of EU approved in a written manner the fact, that our IDPs will return to their houses- we are talking about 500 thousand people. Finally EU recognized that these people must return to their lands. EU and USA have their own great mechanisms to make it happen.

Today, as never before it became more realistic to resolve these conflicts, but we need patience and serious diplomatic decision. George Bush, Nicolas Sarcozy, Angela Merkel and about 20-26 EU and world leaders will arrive in Georgia. This means that we must be proud, we are far away from liking ourselves, because we have IDPs, but this is a chance for Georgia to become successful and integrated European country. We gave all materials to our European leaders, proving that the invasion started from Russian side, Russian tanks invaded Georgian territory and this was a huge tank attack. By the hard work of MIA we were able to collect all of these materials.

We must continue the de-occupation process of Georgia by peaceful diplomatic ways. I, as a responsible person do not have any other receipts.

Our mission is to raise up Georgia. We have very difficult road ahead. We all must be patient. We must hold each others hands, we must be flexible as never before and this will lead us to a victory - stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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