

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to his Polish counterpart Lekh Kachinski, US Senators John McCain and Richard Lugar on the telephone

In regards of official relationships started by Russia towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia the President of Georgia spoke to his Polish counterpart Lekh Kachinski, US Senators John McCain and Richard Lugar on the telephone.

Lekh Kachinski expressed his concern about any attempts undertaken by Russia to breach the territorial integrity of Georgia and stated that the European Union, NATO, OSCE and Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly would call up Russia to stop undertaking unilateral actions that are against the International Law.

The Presidency candidate John McCain released a statement after Lekh Kachinski's conversation with the President of Georgia. He called international organizations for criticize Russia for its steps undertaken against Georgia.

"We can not give Russia rights to believe that it has all kinds of rights execute policy which is breaks the sovereignty of Georgia. I hope that the leaders of European countries, together with organizations like UN and OSCE will condemn actions undertaken by Russia", John McCain noted.

Richard Lugar expressed his concern on the same issue and stated that Russia broke all international rules.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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