

4/16/2010 Mikehil Saakashvili addressed the Atlantic Council The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili delivered a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC. The President of Georgia spoke about those challenges that Georgia had to overcome. Mikheil Saakashvili said that there were some mistake made, but G...
4/15/2010 Mikheil Saakashvili met Joseph Biden The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met US Vice President Joseph Biden. Joe Biden on behalf of the United States once again reiterated support to Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty during the meeting held in White House. They discuss...
4/14/2010 საქართველოს პრეზიდენტი მიხეილ სააკაშვილი მიხეილ სააკაშვილი დაიბადა საქართველოში, თბილისში, 1967 წლის 21 დეკემბერს. იგი ყველაზე უფროსია სამ ძმას შორის. კიევის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების პრესტიჟული ინსტიტუტის წარჩინებით დამთავრების შემდეგ, იგი ამერიკის შეერთებულ შტატებში გაემგზავრა და ნიუ იორკში კ...
4/14/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili delivered a speech at Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili delivered a speech at Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. In his speech Mikheil Saakashvili stated that the Georgian side actively participates in the reduction of the global threat. In the result of acti...
4/10/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a statement on CNN on the tragic death of Lech Kaczynski The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a statement on CNN on the tragic death of Lech Kaczynski. Mikheil Saakashvili pointed out that Lech Kaczynski was the friend of Georgia, he was a politician to be followed and absolutely amazing personalit...
4/10/2010 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze made a statement on the death of Lech Kaczynski The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze made a statement on the death of Lech Kaczynski. As Manana Manjgaladze stated the whole Georgia sympathizes with the Polish people in their sorrow and expresses its condolences to them, beca...
4/8/2010 Mikheil Saakashvili awarded the Patriarch of Georgia with the ''Presidential Order of Excellency'' A concert was held in the frames of folk and classical music festival "From Easter to Ascension Day" in Philharmonic Concert Hall. Besides various folk and classical music compositions a hymn, composed by his Holiness and Beatitude the Catholicos -Patriar...
4/8/2010 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held a briefing "A Georgian sailor Giorgi Shavishvili who was detained in Philippines is free and is already in his motherland, and most probably, when this statement is transmitted he will be at home with his family members, in Batumi", the Spokesperson noted and added ...
4/7/2010 MikheilSaakashvili opened European House together with Stefan Fule European House was opened at Freedom Square today. The President of Georgia MikheilSaakashvili and European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule opened European House together. The representatives of government, diplomats and r...
4/7/2010 US President Barack Obama and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili held a phone conversation On Tuesday April 6, at 8 pm Tbilisi time, US President Barack Obama and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili held a phone conversation to discuss the upcoming Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the deployment next week of Georgian troops under US co...
4/4/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended Easter Ceremony The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended Easter Ceremony at Sameba Cathedral. Mikheil Saakashvili went to Sameba together with his children and the government representatives. The President visited the Patriarchy, where he listened to the hym...
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