

The President of Georgia attended the process of installation of radar in Poti

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili went to Poti today. He visited the airport under construction, where the modern radar system is being installed. Georgia will be able to fully control Georgia's air space by using radars produced by French company. Poti will be able to receive airplanes in any type of weather by the system envisaged for civil aviation. Mikheil Saakashvili recalled times of war, when Russia used strategic aviation and exploded radars, destroyed airport infrastructure. He said that they explode and destroy our systems, but we are constructing the better ones. "Huge airport is being constructed in Poti. The installation of this radar means that airport infrastructure is provided ahead. Many people considered it was utopia to fulfill Poti-Batumi-Kutaisi triangle, Anaklia and Mestia projects, but in Spring 2012 we will all see it. Practically this is Batumi airport, because it takes thirty minutes to get to Batumi by using the new road. This airport will be alike Sokhumi airport - it will be possible to fly in any type of weather, there will be a big runway there. This way Georgia's economic geography changes fully. It means many new jobs. Finally we have to fulfill the plan that is foreseen specially for Poti - Poti will become 100 percent employed town. There were many problems with this airport, but despite all we will build airport here and in other places as well. This airport will be very important key for Poti and for the rest of Georgia as well. This will support attraction of investments in Georgia and will lead the way to the rest of world. I am very happy that first very important step was already made. This is not a symbolic step. This is what should maintain this airport - the main body of it. I want to congratulate Georgian Air Navigation. George Karbelashvili doesn't like to speak much, but he does his job. He was first who installed radars, when the war was over. We widely cooperate with France regarding this issue, they have the most modern technology and we will continue this way in future as well", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.         


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