

The President of Georgia Visited Resort "Sairme"


The President of Georgia visited the resort "Sairme" in Bghdati region and got familiar with the existing sitatuion there. The Chief of Tourism Department Maya Sidamonidze and the Minister of Regional Development Ramaz Nikolaishvili accompanied the President on this trip. Mikheil Saakashvili met the locals and guests and listened to the information from them personally on what type of conditions are needed for the development of the resort. As the President has mentioned the reconstruction of sanatoriums must be done simultaneously. He tasked the Chief of the Tourism Department to work on the popularization of the resort. "We have two resorts of this scale in Georgia - Borjomi and Sairme. Both of the resorts are exceptional with its medicinal characteristics. Tskaltubo, Nunisi and Bakhmaro are also very important. Our next strategy and mission is to develop our infrastructure. First we took care of skiing and sea resorts. Now we are fully oriented on the development of these resorts. Mainly Georgian guests visit these resorts. But we can attract foreign tourists as well", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. Mikheil Saakashvili promised the guests and locals that next year when they come to resort it would be absolutely changed. The President listened to the evaluations and ideas of the guests about Sairme. They said that it is a brilliant resort, the road and bathes are in best condition, but several cranes need repairmen in order not to make people stand in a row. "I am afraid that the same wont happen with us what happened with Kazakhs in Likani resort. They have destroyed and never built anything there. We mast start this project part by part in order not to stop the flow of guests. The main problem here is the quality of running water, it must be done without any delay. I have made some inquiries among people and they think that the main problem is the quality of water. The massive restoration of sanatoriums must start soon. We must find a space for in order to arrange entertaining center for children. 5000 foreign tourists will come here next year. The bum of our mountain resort starts as well. You will not recognize this place next year", the President of Georgia stated. The President tasked Ramaz Nikolaishvili about above-mentioned issues. In about three months internal roads will be completed. By next year the rehabilitation of Sairme road will be completed as well. Infrastructural projects will be carried out on the resort as well. "The President gave us tasks to solve problems of roads, communications, lightening, water supply. People will come to this resort without any problems next year. After infrastructural problems are solved the number of tourists could be tripled here by all means", Ramaz Nikolaishvili stated. 


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