

Mikheil Saakashvili Granted the Presidential Order of Excellency to Nino Surguladze


"Rigoleto a Mantova" was aired in 149 countries, among them in Georgia. The Georgian opera-singer Nino Surguladze took part in the televised historical world premier with the world-famous Opera stars as well. Nino Surguladze sang together with Placido Domingo in this version of "Rigoleto". After this triumph Nino Surguladze received the Presidential Order of Excellency for the exceptional talent and participation in successful project in the city, where the world premiere was held. "Besides being a very talented singer it turned out that Nino is a very talented actor as well. She still has the same manners she had in the movie "Upstart". Nino became a grand superstar after being a small star. Nothing more one could achieve in this sphere and the whole world saw this achievement today. Nino Surguladze made the whole world tremble during several hours. I want to grant Nino the Presidential Order of Excellency in this field environment for expressing Georgian talent in the highest and most brilliant way. Nino is the face and the voice of Georgia", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. 



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