

The President of Georgia continues his meetings in the United States

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili continues his meetings in the United States. He met Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Chairman of Subcommittee of European Affairs at the Congress Committee of International Affairs. Jeanne Shaheen was the initiator of a session held at the Committee regarding the August war. She was always known as a supporter of Georgia's position. Together with Senator Gram she is an initiator of a resolution supporting Georgia,which was prepared by Senate.

The President of Georgia held a meeting with Senator Joseph Lieberman as well. He was one of the first who came to Georgia in August 2008 and condemned Russian occupation.

Besides this, Mikheil Saakashvili held an extended format meeting with the leaders of Senate. The Senate Democratic Leader Senator Harry Reid, Republican Leader Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of Senate Committee on Armed Services, leading members of Senate Committee on Armed Services John McCain and Senator Saxby Chambliss, Senator Benjamin Cardin, the leading member of Senate Committee of Foreign Relations attended the meeting. After the meeting John McCain made a comment and noted that among the issues that were discussed during the meeting were issues of the development of democracy and economy, as well as the issue of necessity on defense arms. 

"We discussed many issues, among them we spoke about defense arms that Georgia needs, in order for country to have ability to defend itself from Russian occupation in future. We spoke much about economic development as well. Georgia honestly deserves praising for the success that it had achieved on the path of economic development and true democracy. It is my and several other people's priority for Georgia to have defense arms in order to defend itself from stopping Russia to occupy Georgian territories. This is a best tool for Georgian people andgovernment to defend themselves andit is my objective", John McCain noted.



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