

The President of Georgia met the Parliamentary majority

The President of Georgia met with the members of Parliamentary majority today and spoke with them about the hard economic situation and inflation that takes place all around the world. The President received information on the existing situation within the regions from the MPs as well. As Mikheil Saakashvili pointed out the existing situation at the international markets influences Georgian economy as well and Georgia must maximally avoid negative economic effect caused by global problems. Besides this specific projects were discussed during the meeting, among them agricultural program.

"In order not to find Georgia as a small, weak sliver in the ocean of world crises our aim is to be maximally disciplined; to give more freedom to our business and open more perspectives to them. At the same time we must maintain our main priorities what Georgia has - uncorrupted state, taxation system and good taxation environment. At the same time we need to deepen it more, because the only alternative for us, in those conditions when world is in very hard situation because of some objective or subjective factors like wars, clashes, violence, especially where oil is obtained - we must not only save our economy at most, but in case of smart, well organized and purposeful actions it could get even more stronger.

At the same time we know well and we see it every day that our people, each family is under huge pressure because these increased prices. Real salaries were decreased, because if a person used to buy certain products with its salary, now this number has decreased. Added to that fact that there are unemployed people that are in worse situation. In this situation the state should be permanently oriented on distribution of existing poor resources in order to help poor level of society and all of us should be closer to our electorate (first of all it concerns to regional deputies) is decisive for creating better future for each of us, for each of our citizen", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

Besides the economic issues, Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about those foreign political challenges that Georgia faces at this moment. First of all it concerns de-occupation of country and also those problems that were created after 2008 within Georgia. The President noted that the country carries out diplomatic fight to resolve these problems. For the special shares in this fight Mikheil Saakashvili awarded MP David Darchiashvili with Presidential Order of Excellence.

"I would like to tell you several word regarding David Darchaiashvili, because if someone defends Georgia's interests on the international arena, together with many of you it is David Darchaishvili. Big fight is going on on international arena against Georgia and we fight not against someone, but for our freedom, for our de-occupation, for strengthening our positions and for our future. Our struggle is fair. Those who fight with us tries to justify injustice carried out by them. They are not avoiding dirtiness in this fight, not even bribing someone, not even using immoral methods. This is why finally as the struggle of David and Goliath, our fight will end with victory. In this fight we have people that are specially successful and this is why I want to award David Darchiashvili with the Presidential Order of Excellence", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

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