

The Condolences of Georgian people and the President of Georgia on the terrorist attack that took place in Minsk

The President of Georgia expressed his deepest sorrow because of the terrorist attack that took place in Minsk on April 11 and because of the death of innocent people. In the letter of condolences Georgian leader once again condemned any demonstration of terrorism and expressed his readiness on the behalf of Georgian government on any type of help in case of necessity. The information on the terrorist attack that took place in Minsk metropolitan on April 11 in which 12 innocent people were killed and 151 injured, caused deepest sorrow in Georgia.

"Those people, who raised their hands on the lives of innocent people have no justification. I am sure that the organizers of terrorist attack would never reach their aim - causing destabilization in the Republic of Belorussia. People of Belorussia would overcome all constraints with the firmness, braveness and wisdom that are features of their character on the way to the construction of developed state. The people and the government of Georgia is ready to provide any type of assistance to the brotherly nation of Belorussia, whatever you consider necessary and essential. I ask you sincerely to extend condolences of Georgian nation and personally me to the families and relatives of people tragically killed during the attack. The whole Georgia shares your sorrow", - is noted in the letter of condolences, which the President of Georgia sent to the President of Belorussia Aleksandre Lukashenko personally. 

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