

The President of Georgia visited Adjara region

The President of Georgia went to Adjara region today and visited a Cathedral that is under the construction in Sarpi. Extremely rare ornaments will decorate the cathedral - the same ones that decorate Khanzta and Oshki Cathedrals. Cross-cupola shaped cathedral is being constructed with limestone using old Georgian traditions. As Mikheil Saakashvili noted not only the customs will be located in Sarpi, but the gates of all Georgia as well. 

"We aren't building only customs' gates here, but the gates of all Georgia as well. This was an initiative of very merited person throughout the whole Georgia - Archbishop and he was working together with Givi Targamadze for presenting a Georgian church here at Georgia's main state border in some extraordinary shape. It needed several years, but with the help of God and with the hard work of Archbishop we will finish the construction of this cathedral by all means. I think it has very important, symbolic meaning not only for this specific place, but for whole Georgia. It is very important that Archbishop is not supporting only the construction of cathedral, but at the same time educational centers are being arranged with his help. This charity centers are not arranged for boasting, but in real. Here they have the best orphanages, shelters for socially unsecured persons. Now concerning Givi Targamadze - a week will not pass without him calling us and asking to provide help for finishing the construction of this cathedral - one of the major goals of his life is the end of this construction", Mikheil Saakashvili noted. 

Mikheil Saakasvhili also visited construction site of a new checkpoint in Sarpi that will be equipped with ultra-modern techniques. As Mikheil Saakashvili stated this renovated checkpoint is significant because customs clearance procedures will be simplified and Georgian and Turkish citizens, as well as foreign guests will not have to stand in long lines.

"I had traveled so much all around the world and never saw such a beautiful customs. Only one problem bothers me - compare to us, Turkish side will have much less exits, so the traffic jams will still appear. This is why I am going to raise this issue when Turkish Prime Minister visits Georgia by the end of this month. If people will not be able to pass other side easily - a traffic jam will form there by all means. We are arranging an architecture that will last for centuries on our side. Earlier on Turkish side and on sides of other neighboring countries there were very good customs and we had some booths where unshaved, angry and hungry customs officers used to work. They were meeting guests and expecting bribes from them. Now it is on the contrary. During last two years we have better customs and checkpoints compare to all other neighbors. Batumi must have the most beautiful checkpoint. By the way I saw it on TV yesterday that some radical group arrived - that are managed by Russian side - they were bringing people here on busses for holding demonstrations and causing destabilization, but these people run away soon, because they had never seen Batumi before. They were walking around astonished and looking with admiration. It concerns everyone, among them tourists of this type, because this city is turning into the pride of all Georgia and Georgian citizens", the leader of the country stated.

The President of Georgia visited Murad Devidze's family in Batumi and tastes 20-years-ol "Ojaleshi" there. Head of the family introduced Mikheil Saakashvili with wine-making traditions of their family. Devidze's family makes 1200 liter of wine annually.

"Wine quality had significantly improved in last several years. People started wine-making throughout whole Georgia. They were not making wine in Black Sea region, because this tradition was not widely extended here. However this tradition appeared here as well. "Chkhaveri" brand white wine is one of the best not only within this region, but all around Europe as well. This breed grows mainly in Guria and Adjara. "Cicka-Colikauri" grows in Imereti, incredibly unique breed "Ojaleshi" grows in Mengrelia. All three regions were not producing wines and now we are using these wines as well. Lots of thanks to Russia for their embargo, because this embargo improved the quality of wine a lot. Now we are in a condition, when we think - if they will let our wines in it will be good, if not - it will not hurt us either - market is all around the world. When we will have 5 million or more tourists - let God help us - I doubt we will have extra wine for export left within the country. For example Greece is not able to export their wines, because they drink them all, adding to that - our wines are of much better quality. Same situation is in Israel, Portugal and in other regions. This is why wine-making makes sense here", Mikheil Saakashvili noted.

Later the President of Georgia attended the concluding event of Family Wine Festival - winner's awarding ceremony.

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