

The 10th Addition of " Atlantic-dinners" was held in Tbilisi

The 10th Addition of " Atlantic-dinners" was held in Tbilisi within the frames of European Week in Georgia. This is the very first occasion when such a meeting is held outside of France. With the leadership of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili the participants will discusses following issues: "democracy, progress and innovation". The representative of diplomatic corps, Western experts and Georgian and foreign politicians of highest ranks attended the working dinner. Ekaterine Zguladze, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Ekaterina Zghuladze delivered a speech as well. She spoke about police reform carried out in Georgia. 

The speakers noted that such dinners are held for the support of dialogue between Atlantic people and it supports the change of the world for better.

"For those who is interested why was Georgia that has less relations in regards of geography with Atlantic, selected I can tell that in 21st century Atlantic space went far beyond geographic boarders and it gained meanings of values and politics. One of such countries that share these values is Georgia. I had worked with many NGOs and states, but I want to note that the Government of Georgia proved during last several years that it is one of the most successful Governments all around the world. This is one of the youngest Governments  with great ambitions", the "Atlantic Dinners" Project Director Felix Marquardt noted. Atlantic Dinner was held at President's Palace. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the guests and stressed his attention on democratic values and carried out reforms.

"I am very glad to address our distinguished guests gathered here today. I was hosting politicians of high importance during these last couple of days, among them from France and at the same time young generation is also presented here. Today we have young generation in Government that never had been members of Hippocratic system that was killing freedoms. As a result Georgia went through huge shock and very few countries could survive of what we stood through - total embargo was established for us, we had lost about 60 percent of our market in just about a week, 90 percent of electricity and gas import was stopped during one year, we had lost peaceful environment, because we were under attacks and diversions and terrorist attacks were arranged against us permanently. Now I don't want to recall it all in details, but it is reality. We are under this pressure permanently and despite all of it our economy grew three times, poverty was decreased to 15-18 percent and I am very proud of it", Mikheil Saakashvili noted. 

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