

The Spokesperson for the President answered the question of about recent detentions made by the MIA

On the question of the Information Agency journalist "How does the Administration of the President of Georgia evaluate the fact that took place?" the Spokesperson for the President Manana Manjgaladze answered:

"I cannot speak in detail about this very sensitive ongoing case, but there is one point I should make very clear: this case is about a serious iniltration of our institutions, not about journalism or media activities.

The fact that the suspects were photographers has been stressed, but they were not charged yesterday for anything connected to their activity as photographers. It supposedly, possoble that they will be charged for passing confidential informations - written documents in this case, or confidential agendas - to an organization idntified as spying network. I am speaking here about charges and it is obviously up to the cout to decide.

Two of them were state employees - one with a close access to the President. They could as well have been occupying any other position than photographer, the case would have been exactly handled the same way.

I cannot recall of any journalist - neither supportive nor hostile to the government - being charged in Georgia with spying accusation.

The people arrested were not at all known for expressing any political view and it is outrageous to connect their arrest in any way with the question of freedom of medias".

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