

Mikheil Saakashvili talked with students during the opening of a professional college

During the opening of the professional college "Pazisi" in Poti, the President of Georgia talked with the students and instructors of the school. According to Mikheil Saakashvili, such schools provide professions to the younger generation, which for them is an opportunity to be employed and to provide their own means of support.

"When the first 500-1000 people were employed, everybody understood that it is important to develop a specific skill in order to help yourself and your family. A person should work for several years and then go abroad to get a higher education if he/she should choose to do so...After the collapse of the Soviet Union, every school had signs indicating that it was a university, academy or some other school of higher education. They were lying to themselves as well as everyone. Everything has returned to normal now. Now the employers order a specific number of specialists of various professions. There is already a 100 room hotel in Anaklia, the construction of a 50 room hotel is about to finish, and there will be another 60 room hotel next year. For the year 2013, we will acquire up to 1000 rooms. By the way, in Kobuleti, in Temur Chkonia's Hotel, they trained the personnel for several years in order to develop the best service. One standard should be established. 1000 rooms are more than we had last year in Batumi. These 1000 rooms need a minimum of several hundred staff members that are excellent performing their job. There are very talented people here, and we are good at hospitality, but our youth especially need permanent or even temporary jobs - during the summer season. Students should be able to go to work and save up for tuition. That's why we are not only developing the resort zone, we are doing it systemically: the resorts, the infrastructure around the resorts, (meaning the roads, which I hope will be well-accommodated soon), the Poti Airport - in order for people to be able to arrive here and spend money for entertainment and pleasure. All of this will be led by the most important thing - qualified service industry workers, who will cater to tourists and set the economy in motion. By the way, I observed that there were complaints about the low quality of service in Georgia, but during the last year and a half, the situation has changed dramatically. People now look at this issue differently. I am sure that in 2 years we will measure up to France, Italy and other countries that have a high quality of service. Which means that we will have a higher income and as a result of that be happier" - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Along with Mikheil Saakashvili and the Minister of Education and Science, - the General Director of Poti Seaport and the manager of Anaklia resort complex, "Golden Fleece" - attended the opening of the rehabilitated building. These are the organizations from which the students of the college will receive internships and afterwards be employed.

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