

The President of Georgia met with US Senators

The President of Georgia held a meeting with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee including the Head of the Committee – John Kerry, Senators Richard Lugar, Ben Cardin, Tom Udall, and Jeanne Shaheen. The main topic of discussion was deepening cooperation between Georgia and the United States, including security and economy. The sides also discussed prospects of reaching a free trade agreement. Additionally, the sides talked about the details of Georgian-Russian relations, the situations in the occupied territories, and issues of regional security. The Senators once again expressed support of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia and noted that they welcome our NATO aspirations. They also positively assessed the past and ongoing democratic and economic reforms in Georgia.

In his turn, the President of Georgia thanked them for expressing their support of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia and the passed resolution, in which Abkhazia and So Called South Ossetia are mentioned as occupied territories.

Mikheil Saakashvili held a personal meeting with Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who focused attention on the economic successes and the results of anti-corruption reforms. According to her, these are the achievements that were shown in the World Bank report.

The Chairman of the National Security Council of Georgia – Giga Bokeria, the Minister of Economic Development – Vera Kobalia, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – Sergi Kapanadze represented the Georgian side during the meeting.

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