

Mikheil Saakashvili hosted Hillary Clinton at the Keda Wine House


After official meetings, the President and the First Lady of Georgia hosted Hillary Clinton at the Wine House in Keda. The Head of State showed her a centuries old winepress and a wine cellar and familiarized her with Georgian winemaking technology. The President of Georgia also spoke to her about the projects that are being implemented around the region. A Georgian pianist Khatia Buniatishvili, performed several compositions during the dinner dedicated to the American guests. The Secretary of State personally thanked her.

The President of Georgia made a toast during the dinner, while focusing on the friendship of the two countries.

“We have special feelings for you. I have special feelings for you. I had the honor to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by you and John McCaine a few years ago. I never got the prize but I received a letter from you. I framed it, and actually I keep it in the most important part of my office because maybe that framed paper is worth more than some of the prizes one might get in life. I always wanted to live up to the expectations you had when you nominated me and I think this nation also wants to live up to them. You saw people on the way here and you know… people are put on display in many countries. Those countries are authoritarian and they force people, they will stand behind and beat them but you cannot fake emotions of these people and the genuine feelings they have and I think that’s what you were getting on the way here and that’s something very characteristic of what my people think about America. That’s what makes you so special.  You are hosted by the entire nation. We cannot host all of these people, who have been greeting you on the streets, but I am sure just a glimpse of you would be enough to keep them warm for a long time. To you personally and our great friendship” – stated the President of Georgia.

Hillary Clinton also made a toast with Georgian wine.

“Let me begin by acknowledging that the ritual for Georgian toasts is well known. I understand that one toasts everyone, friends, family, neighbors, ancestors, heroes, historical figures and I want to say a special word about why in this year 2012 your country, your leadership, your government are so important; not only to the Georgian people but to people everywhere.  Yes, the United States is more than a place, it’s an idea. We look forward to the next 20, and hundred and two hundred years to come where freedom and democracy, where meritocracy or opportunity; where the rights of every Georgian are recognized. You build an inclusive society that really does speak to the world. So, let me raise a glass to the Georgian people, to all their aspirations and their hopes and to the great friendship between the United States and Georgia now and far into the future” – noted Hillary Clinton.

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