

The President of Georgia met with the population of the Sulori Village

The President of Georgia met with the population of the Sulori Village in the Vani Region. Mikheil Saakashvili listened to the problems that have been troubling the village for decades and made a promise to fix them. The President of Georgia opened a new gas pipeline built within the scope of the Presidential Program “Natural Gas for Every village” and symbolically lit the first troupe. According to him, the residents of Sulori will be able to connect their houses to the pipeline in installments just like everywhere else in Georgia.

“The gasification issue was never handled, not during communist times nor during the following government. Practically every family has at least one liquid gas container that costs about 25-30 GEL. The problem is that in the past, when we built natural gas pipelines, it cost about 400-500 GEL to connect it to each house. Most Georgian families didn’t have the means to save 400-500 GEL. This is why we decided to offer to pay the price in installments and that way you will be paying as much per month as you are paying for one liquid gas container. Each one of your families will have high quality gas with no problems. This is a newly formed system which will become functional everywhere.” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

While talking with them the President drew attention to future plans and noted that the construction of a new hospital begins on July 1st. Also, the road leading to the center of the village and the local school will be rehabilitated. The Head of State also touched on the issue of employment and medical insurance.

“When we build roads and create balneotherapy baths we think we can employ a minimum of a hundred people. There are many other problems in Vani. For example, the hospital problem; you know that everyone in their pension age will receive medical insurance starting next year. Vani does not have a new hospital – despite the fact that they have been built everywhere. This place didn’t have a road, natural gas, a new hospital has not been built here and cell phones do not receive good service. All of the disasters came at once, but we are beginning construction of a new hospital which will end in several months. The most important thing is that people will be insured. We are insuring pensioners for now but next year we will have a common insurance package. There should be no person in Georgia, who needs medical care and does not have the means to afford it. We will all achieve this together and this will be another step towards civilization. Aside from this, we have a school problem which we are dealing with intensively” – noted the Head of State.

According to the President, very soon Sulori will regain its original function and be one of the best resorts along with Tskaltubo in Georgia.

“Vani, including Sulori were abandoned to a certain extent. We had the most important problems in terms of communal, infrastructural, and social affairs. Very nice people live here but nobody should exploit your patience. We are beginning great projects in Georgia now. Namely, rehabilitation of balneotherapy resorts. Tskaltubo will become a world class balneology resort. Accordingly, Sulori will be directly attached to it. The more is done in Tskaltubo the more necessity it will appear to do more here. We have made plans beforehand, we are now learning the processes and I promise you that within the next two years the resort will become as good as it’s never been before. The second issue is regarding the road. We have allocated two million for fixing the road leading here. A huge road is being constructed in Vani, which will be important for the entire region. The main part which was paralyzed during the Soviet times will become functional now. One of the most beautiful parts of Georgia was unused because it was hard to reach. No government ever had a desire to invest money and come to this place. We will come and do it! We will do it for you and the entire Georgia! This will truly be a new pearl on the Georgian map” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

After the meeting Mikheil Saakashvili visited the home of a merited teacher Julia Gogorishvili and personally lighted the natural gas connected to her house. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to the host about the Vani development plans and the problems troubling the local population. The President also noted that one of the most distinguished museums will be opened in Vani in the nearest future and local infrastructure fixed.

“This is a real paradise but no road leads to this place and you hardly get a service signal on a cell phone here. It never had natural gas. The electricity counters are being installed now. Such nature and resources lay here, people are so good and yet a lot of things need to be fixed. We have now allocated money in order to build a museum here because most of the gold mined in Georgia comes from here. The artifacts discovered here are so unique and interesting that we have to build a museum as soon as possible. We will turn this place into a big tourist center and bring a lot of tourists” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili while talking to them.


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